Former League of the South Board Member Michael Peroutka Wins GOP Nomination for MD AG

The GOP just gets lower and lower.

Yesterday, GOP voters in Maryland elected Michael Peroutka to be their standard bearer in November’s race for Attorney General. Long time readers of this blog might recall many articles here about Peroutka’s involvement with the racist League of the South. The League was one of the white nationalist organizations involved in the Charlottesville riots in defense of the Confederate statues there. They have a long history of racist demonstrations and agitation. One of the stated objectives which Peroutka has been quite vocal about is Southern secession. I have a load of info about him and his Institute on the Constitution here and here.

While there are quite a few posts that come to mind on the occasion of his primary win, this one came to mind first. Once when speaking at the League of the South annual convention, Peroutka closed his part of the program by asking the audience to stand for the “national anthem.” However, instead of singing the U.S. national anthem, he led the audience in a rousing rendition of “Dixie.”

Here is the video:

Peroutka has said he isn’t in the League anymore. He has repudiated racism and said he didn’t see racism while he was in the League. Well, if you believe that, maybe you’ll believe Dixie is the national anthem.

League of the South Strategies for Guerrilla Warfare

One of the leading white supremacist organizations in Charlottesville was the League of the South. The leader of the group is Michael Hill. You can see him circled in red below fighting last weekend in Charlottesville.

LoS Michael Hill Cville

Over the past several years, the League has become more clear in their white supremacist positions and become openly aligned with neo-Nazis and the KKK. This was demonstrated in Charlottesville by their participation in Unite the Right.

Hill has a history or writing incendiary posts for the League of the South website sometimes coming close to calls for violence. In 2014, Hill penned a description of what 4th Generation warfare would be like. Given their promise for more demonstrations to come, I think it is fair warning to reprint that description now.

In 4Gen Warfare the lines between the military and the political, economic, cultural, and social are blurred past the point of recognition. To oversimplify, the primary targets will not be enemy soldiers; instead, they will be political leaders, members of the hostile media, cultural icons, bureaucrats, and other of the managerial elite without whom the engines of tyranny don’t run.

4Gen Warfare doesn’t require that the populace be armed equal to the military and law enforcement. In fact, having such firepower, with few exceptions (such as full-auto “assault weapons,” silencers, and a handful of other esoteric toys), would be a logistical and tactical burden to the common 3- to 5-man group so common in this type of warfare. Stealth and the concentration of firepower at certain points for a short time are the keys to successful Gen4 Warfare, whether it’s busting up a traffic roadblock, ambushing a gun confiscation raid, or taking down a high-profile tyrant. If you want more from an historical standpoint, read about Michael Collins. If you want more from a modern, practical standpoint, read Joseph P. Martino’s Resistance to Tyranny: A Primer.

After Charlottesville, the League has taken on a victim mentality. They, along with other white nationalist groups, came to Charlottesville heavily armed. I am surprised more people were not hurt.

I think these groups should be monitored. If they begin to feel they are in a war, then Hill’s words might give clues to their next moves.

Woman Killed by White Supremacist in Charlottesville; League of the South President Says His Warriors Had a Good Day

A woman died today in Charlottesville, VA after a white supremacist protester plowed his car into a crowd. Two police officers died in a helicopter crash as they were attempting to do their jobs during the protest. Most responses to the violence and white supremacy on parade has been revulsion. However, the president of the white supremacist organization League of the South thought today went pretty well. Earlier today, Michael Hill tweeted:

Despite claims from some League of the South members that they were non-violent, pictures taken at the scene appear to contradict that story. Below League of the South members clash with counter-protesters. In the center of the action appears to be League president Michael Hill.

When one examines the person in the red circle, it looks a lot like LoS president Michael Hill.
LoS Michael Hill Cville
This Twitter user took several photos worth examining. Click here to follow his twitter account.
Even as white supremacists are reveling in their “successes,” I hope the ugliness of their actions will turn the general public against their goals and lead to the removal of more Confederate icons.

Michael Peroutka Somehow Missed the Racism in the League of the South

Michael Peroutka, a former board member of white supremacist group League of the South and current member of the Anne Arundel County Council, said Monday night that he can’t recall racism among his former League colleagues. This is not the first time he has claimed this. In yesterday’s Capital Gazette (video), Peroutka is quoted at a county council meeting as saying:

I believed the group to be integrated and non-discriminatory with regard to race, and my recollection of topics that were discussed in my presence concerned objections to overreaching and intrusive policies and programs of the federal government; they did not focus on race…

I don’t know whether or not the League had regular board meetings when Peroutka pledged his resources to the League, but I do know the racist content was clear and undeniable.

I pointed it out to him frequently. The white supremacist aim of the League was the cause of a protest against Peroutka and the National Religious Broadcasters organization. NRB provided air time for Peroutka’s Institute on the Constitution despite knowing that Peroutka was a board member of the League. Let’s review.

The following links provide all the evidence anyone could want that the League was a white supremacist group when Peroutka was involved. Let’s begin by recalling that Peroutka has been attending and speaking at the League of the South conferences since 2004 when he received the organizations endorsement for Peroutka’s presidential campaign with the Constitution Party.

When Michael Peroutka joined the board of the League of the South in 2012, he supported the aims of the League which is to form a white homeland in the South. In his speech, he referred to secession and being in sync with League goals.

We have a basic Constitution course, now again I don’t disagree with Dr. Hill at all, that this regime is beyond reform. I think that’s an obvious fact and I agree with him. However, I do agree that when you secede, or however the destruction and the rubble of this regime takes place and how it plays out, you’re going to need to take a biblical worldview and apply it to civil law and government. That’s what you’re still going to need to do. Whether we’re going to have to have this foundational information in the hearts and minds of the people, or else liberty won’t survive the secession either. You see what I’m saying? So this view, I saying that because I don’t want the League of the South, for one minute to think that I am about reforming the current regime, and that studying the Constitution is about reforming the regime. I like many of you, and like Patrick Henry, probably have come to the conclusion that we smelled a rat, smelled a rat from the beginning. However, we believe that it is essential to take a biblical view of law and government and then make those applications so we publish actually three courses of instruction.

Furthermore, League president Michael Hill made it quite clear that the League is a pro-white separatist organization. Consider the following links.
League of the South President Michael Hill Defines Southerners as White – When Peroutka was on the board, Michael Hill defined Southern people as white.

Michael Peroutka Should Not Be Surprised at White Separatism in the League of the South – In this 2014 post, I provide video of a speech by Michael Hill opposing biracial marriage and extolling the superiority of whites at the same League of the South conference where Michael Peroutka spoke and led the crowd in singing Dixie – what Peroutka said at the time was the “national anthem.”

League of the South President: Relish Being a White Supremacist – In this 2014 post, Hill is quoted celebrating his white supremacist views. He cites several people (e.g., Robert Dabney) who Peroutka also approvingly cited on his website for years.

Michael Peroutka Says the Institute on the Constitution Led Him to the League of the South – In this post, I provide 2004 video where Michael Peroutka tells an informal audience that his study of the Constitution led him to affiliation with the League of the South.

League of the South President: Southerners are Whites – While Peroutka was a member, League president Michael Hill was clear about his white supremacist views.

Rules of Engagement to Help White Southerners Survive – Michael Hill suggested several rules to help white Southerners survive.

Peroutka articulated agreement with the League’s goals and the League’s president didn’t hide their aims. Peroutka’s current support for anti-hate statements is nice, but it would ring more sincerely if he gave a more credible story about his years as a League of the South leader.

Donald Trump's Campaign Gave Press Privileges to a White Segregationist; Trump, Jr. to Appear on Political Cesspool

You would think that Donald Trump would have learned something from his KKK-David Duke snafu over the weekend.
Trump gave press privileges to James Edwards, host of “paleo-Conservative” radio show Political Cesspool on February 27. Despite Edwards protests to the contrary, his guests and show topics place him in the white segregationist “we [whites] need space too” category.
Furthermore, Donald Trump, Jr. is slated to appear on the program with Edwards this weekend on March 5 (the interview has already been taped).
As I understand it, this story was broken first by the blog Little Green Footballs. A tweet about Edwards reminded of an appearance on his show by Michael Hill, League of the South president.
Edwards regularly has Hill as a guest. During one such appearance, Hill defined Southerners as whites with Edwards chiming in whole heartedly. The entire appearance can be heard here.
During the broadcast, ads for Confederate sympathizers and the Council of Conservative Citizens (advocates “racial integrity” for “European Americans”) are featured. Edwards and Hill both describe immigration as genocide for white people.  At 26:30 in the broadcast, Edwards asks Hill to give a description of the basic mission of the League of the South (the audio of that segment is below). In response, Hill said:

We are for the survival, well-being, and independence of the Southern people. And when we say ‘the Southern people,’ we mean white Southerners. We are an ethno-nationalist movement and we want a free and independent South for our people, as our homeland and that’s pretty much what we are fighting for.

Then why get into immigration protests?

Now we’re doing the demographic displacement demonstrations to help with that first thing I said, the very survival of our people because if we don’t control the land, the soil with our blood, then we don’t have a place to live, we don’t have a place to work, we don’t have a place to worship, and raise our children. So the survival of our people on our land is the first thing that we’re concerned about. And that’s why we’re having these rallies against our demographic displacement. But in the end, we want a free and independent South. We’re Southern nationalists; and as I said, we want an ethno, we’re ethno-nationalists, and we want an ethnic state for Southerners here.

Edwards then chimes in and calls Hill’s position reasonable and adds:

It’s is just as legitimate folks that white, Christian Southerners have an organization that seeks to advance their unique group interests. They’ve got the radio show, they’ve got this organization and it’s completely legit and above board because I’m telling you what Dr. Hill is doing is very serious work on very serious issues and causes. Everybody ought to have the right to live and thrive and have a home and a land of their own and I do mean everybody, including white Southerners.

Listen to that segment here:

Edwards protests that he is not a white supremacist. He certainly is a white segregationist since he is referring to a land for white people without individuals of other races.
Following the section on the League’s mission, Edwards laments the desecration of prominent KKK supporter Nathan Bedford Forest.  Edwards rants that such desecration will continue as long as their aren’t strong white advocacy organizations. It is very clear from his write up of the Trump experience that he liked what he saw. Edwards wrote:

I must admit that this rally lived up to my expectations. I’ve been saying for years on the radio that the majority of Americans fundamentally agree with us on the issues and that the neocons were generals of a phantom army. I am being proven right. Our people just needed a viable candidate and they’ve identified Trump as that man. There is no doubt that Trump’s populism and nationalism is galvanizing our nation and may change the course of American history for the better right before our very eyes.

Edwards also says his press credentials should not be construed as an endorsement by Trump. To me, that doesn’t fly. If Edwards tried to get press privileges with any other campaign, I cannot believe he would be allowed in.