League of the South Laments Removal of Racist Icon from Georgia Capitol

In life — especially later life, Tom E. Watson was a racist politician who found support among white Georgians. In death, he continues to find support from a cadre of white Southerners who want to turn back the clock. However, time marches on and Tom Watson’s statue has been removed from a place of prominence in front of the Georgia Capitol.  While African-American legislators and their supporters are happy about this turn of events, the white nationalist group League of the South laments the move.
In this BET.com article out yesterday, League of the South president Michael Hill criticized the legislature saying they were “caving in to political correctness.” The League sponsored a protest of the removal in November.
So what is the League upset about? What did Tom Watson stand for?
Watson didn’t think highly of “nigger-lovers” like Andrew Carnegie and especially Robert Ogden who ate with African-Americans and even made his employees do so. Watson published his racist views in his magazine, The Jeffersonian. In the following excerpt, his racist views are on full display in the article, “The Fool Friends of the Negro Do Him Enormous Injury.”

Note Watson’s justifications of lynchings and his threats that the situation in the South would get worse for “the negro” in proportion to the meddling of the Northerners in the affairs of the South. According to Watson, standing for equality is meddling. Let’s remember that this hero of the League of the South wrote in the beginning of the last century, long after the South had lost the war.
There are numerous illustrations of Watson’s anti-black, anti-Jewish, and anti-Catholic views. This website opposing the statue has many quotes with links to the original source. I provide just a few.

One of the Civil War Amendments to the Constitution frees our brother in black; and he is now very free, everywhere, and is robustly asserting his right to be more so, especially at the North where he is so universally loved and fondly coddled.
“In the South, we have to lynch him occasionally, and flog him, now and then, to keep him from blaspheming the Alminghty, by his conduct, on account of his smell and his color. – The Jeffersonian, Volume 14, Issue 1, 4 January 1917 (Page 4)
White men made our social system what it is. White men made our governmental system what it is. White men founded our educational and religious systems. And white men should maintain what their ancestors established. We don’t need any of the colored and inferior races to defend our homes and firesides, our institutions and our liberties. We don’t need the negro in the army, nor in the civil service. We don’t need the Chinaman, the Jap, or the Hindoo. The uniform, the gun, the office, the ballot belong to white men, and our future will never be safe until we exclude from military and political privileges every colored man whomsoever. – The Jeffersonian, Volume 8, Issue 15, 13 April 1911 (Page 9)
“But the Negro? Poor, inferior copyist of the master-race, he is as incapable of maintaining a civilization as he is of originating one. For himself,, he can do nothing. Civilize him in America and send him to Liberia, and what happens? He sinks, lapsing toward the barbarous state; and begins to implore the whites to come to his relief.
“Civilize him in San Domingo, and what is the result? As soon as the French go away, and the negro becomes his own boss, down he goes. The varnish of Latin culture wears off, and there’s your nigger. And such is the chaotic bestiality into which he plunges, that the whites must needs rush to the rescue… you seldom see, in one of our towns and cities, a negro buck or young woman who has no bodily defect… Lacking in the characteristics that make for civilization, the negro can not be educated into white black-men.” – Watson’s Magazine, February 1910 (Page 108)

Michael Hill, League president, sounds similar themes in this essay on the League website:

Because Christian liberty has been the product of Western civilization, should the white stock of Europe and American disappear through racial amalgamation or outright genocide, then both liberty and civilization as we have come to know them will cease to exist. As whites have lost the will to defend their inheritance, there has been a corresponding increase in the willingness of the colored races to destroy Western Christian civilization and replace it with their own vision of the “good society.” That vision, or nightmare, as it were, will have no truck with the rule of law, equity, or fairness. It will be predicated on the “intimidation factor”–the employment of brute force by the strong against the weak. In short, it will be “payback time” for the alleged mistreatment that minorities-cum-majorities have suffered at the hands of the White Devils.

Hill told the Economist that the removal of the Watson statue a “campaign against Southerners, a campaign against whites.”
Given what Watson promoted, I say we need more campaigns like this one. Hill was not quite correct in his statement to the Economist. The campaign is against white supremacist Southerners who can’t get over the loss of the Civil War. The campaign is against people like Michael Peroutka, board member of the League of the South by night and teacher of the Constitution by day. Peroutka laments that the South lost the war in his Institute on the Constitution essay, Fireworks, Gettysburg, and a Bittersweet Fourth of July. In the essay, Peroutka says “America” lost the battle of Gettysburg:

The second sadness comes from the historical proximity of the defeat of our American forces at Gettysburg.

Who was defeated at Gettysburg?

On the fourth of July, 1863, after three days of brutal and desperate fighting to defend and preserve an American way of life, American soldiers retreated in the rain through Frederick, Maryland and slipped back across the Potomac River to the relative safety of Virginia.

Peroutka calls the Southern war to defend slavery “desperate fighting to defend and preserve an American way of life.”

I wonder what “Independence Day” thoughts went through the minds of these men as they marched away from that horrific scene where they and their brethren had sacrificed life and limb for the cause of American Independence. What singular faith and courage led them to continue the struggle to defend America from the growing tyrant!
Though most people living in America don’t realize it, the Army of Northern Virginia was the last force capable of countermanding the centralized tyranny that had, more than one hundred forty-two years ago, succeeded in undermining the concept of the Constitutional Republic. When Lee lost at Gettysburg, no earthly force remained that could stand against the Washington leviathan.

Peroutka’s League of the South continues to fight for the Confederate “way of life” by standing with Tom Watson, a racist white supremacist. In response, other Southerners have moved the statue and I hope it is not the last such icon to go away.

League Of The South's President To Blacks: Go Along, Fight, Or Get Out

The League of the South often talks about an “Anglo-Celtic” (white) Southern secession from the nation but less frequently discusses what to do about the non-whites who now live there.  The League’s president recently gave us a clue about how that “problem” would be handled.
A Twitter user, Jimbo, used a racial slur to ask Hill how he would get blacks to go along with secession. Note Hill’s response:

Once again, Hill makes clear that the League of the South does not advocate for non-whites in the South (read the rest of the conversation). The League is not interested in a multi-racial South unless non-whites go along with the League’s belief that the South is a homeland for whites of European stock. Elsewhere, Hill has made it clear that, in the eyes of the League, Southerners are white people.
In light of Hill’s comments, I again ask League of the South board member Michael Peroutka if he supports his president and fellow board member’s rhetoric? Mr. Peroutka, are Southerners only of European descent? Do you still pledge the work of the Institute on the Constitution to the League’s vision of the South?

League of the South Rules of Engagement to Help White Southerners Survive

On the League of the South’s Facebook page, Michael Hill outlines 12 rules of engagement for white Southerners to use in the war for their survival.  You can read them all but I will highlight three here:

1. The mantra “Violence [or the serious threat thereof] never settles anything” is patently false. History shows that it indeed does settle many things. Please don’t forget this—your enemy hasn’t.

So what would Dr. Hill like his followers to do with that information?

7. Don’t engage the enemy on ground of his own choosing. Don’t accept his labels—“domestic terrorist,” “right-wing extremist,” “racist,” “anti-semite,” etc. These terms are meant to shame and marginalize you. Know you own mind and laugh them off. This is quite unsettling to the enemy. Once he sees that you don’t wish to be accepted into his “society,” then he loses a major weapon (ostracization) to use against you.

Actually, when one counsels that violence does settle things, one should not be surprised if someone else labels you a domestic terrorist, or extremist. The racist charge Hill obviously doesn’t care about since he advocates for special privilege for whites.
And then:

12. We are already at war—we just don’t know it. One instance: Immigration. This is not just a matter of policy. It’s a matter of our very survival as white men and women of European Christian stock on this land we call the South. It is a zero sum game—we win or they win. There is no middle ground for compromise.–Michael Hill 

Hill claims the land of other groups (those indigenous to the land – Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, etc.) and says non-whites must stay out.  He begins with a reference to violence and ends with a call to war.
Leaving no doubt as to the aim of their advocacy, the League posted a simplified FAQ on their Facebook page. Here is a taste:

Q. Who are the Southern People?
A. The descendants of European, Christian peoples who settled the Southern regions of North America
Q. What is a kith and kin nation?
A. A People bound together by blood and soil
Q. What do we mean by Anglo-Celtic?
A. The Peoples of the British Isles
Q. Is The League of the South a Christian organization?
A. We defend and promote Western Christian civilization.
Q. Is The League of the South a “racist” organization?
A. The term “racist” is an anti-White, anti-Southern slur. 

The League’s slogan in their rejection of non-whites is “it’s wrong to replace us.” Apparently, the League doesn’t understand their native tongue. Replace can mean to put something in another place or to substitute one thing for another. Neither action is happening to Southern whites. They are still there and have not been moved. Most people get that. However, the League has this fantasy that Southern whites are secretly yearning to separate from everyone else. It is not going to happen and I have little fear of their political aspirations.
What bothers me is the influence of League in evangelical churches, via their kinist Christian reconstructionism, expressed recently by the Institute on the Constitution. IOTC’s founder and director and League of the South board member Michael Peroutka pledged the IOTC to work of the League of the South. As a board member, he is partly responsible for the message of the group and it seems clear to me what the message is.

League Of The South Fears Average Southern Whites Might Be Offended By Neo-Nazi Ties

In a post on the League of the South Facebook group (also on their public page), it was disclosed that recent League of the South award winner Matthew Heimbach has been banned from the upcoming League protest of “demographic displacement” in Murfreesboro, TN. Heimbach’s offense is that he consorts with neo-Nazis and plans to speak at a National Socialist meeting.
Explaining the action, League president Michael Hill said
Three observations come to mind.
One, I can’t tell if this a pragmatic move for public relations, or if Hill really believes national socialism is incompatible with Southern nationalism. In any case, it seems clear that Hill sees problems with continued association with Heimbach. The League normally decries charges that involve guilt by association. Influential League member and organizer of the TN protest Brad Griffin (aka Hunter Wallace) chided those who get caught in the “associations game.” Now the League has found a reason to do the same thing.
Two, I wonder if Michael Hill will now stop appearing on neo-Nazi radio shows. Twice recently, once in August and then again in September, Hill appeared on the American Nationalist Network radio show. When you click through the American Nationalist Network link on blogtalk radio, you come to unashamed white supremacist, Hitler worship. For instance, check out this disgusting little gem of wisdom from der Fuhrer on the Facebook page of the organization Michael Hill dignified with an interview.
The ANN tweeted about Hill’s appearance back in August. No seig heiling but Hill was fine with being associated with the ANN.

Seems like Hill shouldn’t go to the TN rally either. Probably they should just cancel it.
My third observation involves Michael Hill’s statement that the League of the South seeks to rally average Southern whites. Can it be any clearer that skin color and region are the main issues of interest for the League? The target audience is marked by the color of their skin and not the content of their character. If League of the South board member Michael Peroutka is serious with his recent video invoking Martin Luther King, then shouldn’t he publicly condemn his own League of the South for targeting people based on skin color?

League of the South Gives Award Commemorating KKK Grand Wizard to Members for Street Fighting

At their conference in June, the League of the South gave the Nathan Bedford Forrest Award to Mathew Heimbach and Shane Long for their confrontation of May Day marchers in Washington, DC on May 1, 2013.  Nathan Bedford Forrest was the first Imperial Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and is an inspiring historical figure for the League.
Watch the first three minutes of the following video where League of the South president Michael Hill gives the Forest awards to Heimbach and Long for the confrontation on May Day.  Watch:

Before giving the awards, Hill said:

Earlier, during the awards ceremony, there were two young gentlemen who were set to get an award who were not here and I wanted to wait until they got here and give them the awards. As you’re going to learn from my next speaker, Shane Long, a group of our League folks, six young men and two young ladies, if I’m not mistaken, this past May the first, staged a little counter, uh, attack. I wouldn’t call it a protest. They really didn’t attack anybody, they were just holding our flags and carrying our message. And they faced off against, how many, 400? Four hundred communists, in the streets of Washington, D.C., and they held their ground, like good Southerners ought, and they turned that march of 400 communists on May Day around. Now that’s the kind of bravery and courage, and fortitude, and duty that I like to reward. So I’ve got two awards here and they read, the Forrest, as in Nathan Bedford, First with the Most Award, for active and aggressive, I like those terms, promotion of the cause of Southern independence.

On May 1, the International Workers of the World sponsored a May Day march in Washington D.C. The march was marked by sporadic violence and was winding down to a raucous end in front of the White House when the marchers were confronted by eight members of the League of the South.
Watch this Russia Today video of the confrontation (caution – profanity):

There are no good guys here, so my point is not to assign blame or credit. However, I think it is worth pointing out what the League of the South rewards. For those unclear, the marchers are the socialists and the those standing with the Confederate battle flag are the League members. Someone appears to be injured at the end of this video, but is not identified. It may have been Shane Long who is identified in this account as being in police custody, being uninjured but separated from the brawl.
Heimbach gained fame by founding a “white student union” at Towson State University.  Started in 2012 (with white nationalist Jared Taylor as first guest speaker), the organization made news through 2013 as in this CNN report:

Not only does the League identify with those who engaged in street fighting (“our folks”) but rewards them. And they do so with an award which commemorates the first KKK Grand Wizard.
Next year, awards might really be flying since they plan to go back the May Day protest, 2014.
Perhaps actions like these are why some people have reconsidered associations with the League of the South.
Related Links:
The Radicalization of the League of the South
League of the South President Says Immigration Reform Could Spark True Civil War
Institute on the Constitution Supports Controversial PA Police Chief’s Actions to Nullify Gun Control Legislation
Does the Church Have a League of the South Problem?
Michael Peroutka Pledges Resources of Institute on the Constitution to League of the South
League of the South: GOP No Longer Stands for White Southerners
Institute on the Constitution Founder Michael Peroutka on Southern Secession and His Course on the Constitution