Todd Starnes is Irate About "Cultural Cleansing" of the South

no Confederate flagTodd Starnes is all peeved at people who are bothered by symbols of the Confederacy. I just posted his ridicule of the Fort Smith school board. A review of his twitter account and recent columns leaves no doubt that Starnes believes that all the fuss is coming from the evil left (like John Kasich, Mitt Romney, and Russell Moore).
Some tweets:

Really, Mr. Starnes, you compare Nikki Haley and others who want to remove a symbol of racism and treason to Stalin, Lenin, and ISIS? He says:

Stalin and Lenin would be bursting with pride.
You know who else has been doing some cultural cleansing?
The Islamic State — bulldozing their way through history — turning Iraq’s heritage into rubble.
And mark my words – the left’s cultural crusade will not stop with the Confederate Flag. They will use the perception of racism and hatred to whitewash history and silence dissent.
And one day – very soon – I predict they will come after another flag — the one with broad stripes and bright stars. So don’t be terribly surprised when even Republicans stand idly by as they burn the Star-Spangled Banner.

Because getting rid of the American flag would be just like getting rid of the Confederate flag.
Seriously, it is disturbing that Starnes is using his platform in this manner. He considers removing the flag of the Confederacy from a public building “cultural cleansing,” because as any good defender of Southern culture knows, what is important about Southern culture is that Southern states once fought for the right to own slaves. Indeed, white supremacists and Starnes agree about the analogy to ISIS, as this Occidental Dissent post demonstrates.

The Confederate flag belongs in a museum, not flying over public property as a symbol of what the League of the South wants to enact in the present — Southern secession.

Bryan Fischer Minimizes Slavery to Attack Gays

no Confederate flagOf late, lots of conservatives are voicing opposition to the Confederate flag. However, at least one can’t get his mind off gays long enough to join in.
Demoted AFA spokesperson Bryan Fischer minimizes slavery and the symbolism of the Confederate flag to attack gays.  In an op-ed on something called “Cowgernation,” Fischer rants:

But if we are going to remove symbols of oppression from our culture, why stop with the Confederate flag? By any objective measure, the rainbow flag of the Gay Reich should be next.

Comparing American slavery to some bakers who were fined for not baking a cake, Fischer accuses gay lobbyists of being slave owners:

The slaveholding South has risen again, after a fashion, only this time all the plantations are owned and operated by the Human Rights Campaign. In today’s world, even if its critics are right, the Confederacy ain’t got nothing on the haters in the homosexual movement.

One may agree with the bakers and still cringe when someone compares American slavery with doing business now.
More disturbing is the fact that Fischer can’t bring himself to condemn the Confederacy (“even if its critics are right,” he says, implying they aren’t).

Reaction to Calls to Remove The Confederate Flag in South Carolina; Walmart to Drop All Confederate Flag Merch

I know where I stand.
Walmart just announced they are removing all Confederate flag products. I didn’t know they sold any. Not a popular item in Western PA.
Others are weighing in. Mitt Romney,got the ball rolling:

John Kasich and Scott Walker agree:

Rod Dreher at the American Conservative says take it down.
For reasons that make little sense to me, David French at National Review says leave it up.

It is Past Time to Remove the Confederate Flag in South Carolina

no Confederate flagGovernor Nikki Haley has called for the removal of the Confederate flag from the grounds of the South Carolina capitol and I agree with her.
Why did it take so long?
The argument that it is about heritage not white supremacy is a tired, silly argument. Anyone who understands how offensive the flag is would not display it. There can be no other reason but to send a message of intimidation.
Southern nationalists will go nuts but that isn’t reason enough to keep it. They are all over themselves trying to distance themselves from Dylann Roof while defending what Dylann Roof believes about African-Americans.
Of course, they have a right to hold and voice their opinion. However, so do I and other Americans who are tired of the deadly games they are playing.
There is a history to why the flag is there, but that is less important that the future. Removing it will symbolize the future of the state and send a clear message to the League of the South and the Council of Conservative Citizens that the cause really is lost.