Why the Mental Health Professions Want to Ban Conversion Therapy

While there are several reasons why mental health advocates want to ban sexual orientation change efforts, I want to focus on the recent push to legislate bans on the practice by licensed professionals. Historically, therapists who treat gays with an aim to change them have viewed homosexuality as a developmental disorder. Some may also think … Continue reading “Why the Mental Health Professions Want to Ban Conversion Therapy”

Sponsor: CA Conversion Therapy Bill Won't Ban Books or the Bible

Some conservative pundits are worried that a bill moving to the California State Senate will ban the Bible or at least some Christian books. Upon examination, I don’t see a basis in fact for that claim. The bill is AB 2943 and would amend state law on unlawful business practices with a prohibition on performing … Continue reading “Sponsor: CA Conversion Therapy Bill Won't Ban Books or the Bible”

Family Policy Alliance Misleads Public on Conversion Therapy Legislation

To hear Focus on the Family’s public policy arm, Family Policy Alliance, talk about it, the opponents of forcing teens to go to sexual orientation change efforts (aka conversion therapy) don’t want kids to go to counseling. Listen to Stephanie Curry use the phrase “basic talk therapy” like it is her job (which in this … Continue reading “Family Policy Alliance Misleads Public on Conversion Therapy Legislation”

My Journey Away from Reparative Therapy

Over the past few weeks, I have written about the Nashville Statement. In doing so, I realized that many readers here haven’t followed this blog since the beginning (2005) and aren’t aware of my work in the area of sexual identity. In fact, I would say a significant number of readers came along in 2014 … Continue reading “My Journey Away from Reparative Therapy”

New Sexual Reorientation Study Off to a Shaky Start; Michael Bailey's Brain Scan Offer is Still Good

After the closing of Exodus International, the wind went out of the sexual reorientation sails. In June of last year, former ex-gay organization Exodus International leader Alan Chambers said the movement was “gasping for air.” However, a quiet breeze may be blowing still as demonstrated by a study being conducted by one of the luminaries … Continue reading “New Sexual Reorientation Study Off to a Shaky Start; Michael Bailey's Brain Scan Offer is Still Good”