New York Times on therapy for sexual identity concerns

The New York Times Magazine will have a lengthy print article on sexual identity concerns, especially among evangelical gays this sunday. The well-written article by Mimi Swartz is now up online at this link. I have been away for several days and won’t be able to comment much under Sunday or Monday, but I think … Continue reading “New York Times on therapy for sexual identity concerns”

Is There a War on Psychotherapy?

Last week, this came across my path: I assume Christopher Doyle refers to the effort around the country to prohibit sexual reorientation change efforts for minors. However, I write this post to address a couple of points. When it comes to sexual orientation and psychotherapy, the reparative therapy narrative of defective parenting doesn’t hold water … Continue reading “Is There a War on Psychotherapy?”

Keeping Focus on the Family Honest on Reparative Therapy

In a recent CBS News report on reparative therapy (sexual orientation change efforts), Focus on the Family’s Jeff Johnston was quoted in support of the practice and a link to FOTF’s website was a part of the story. I have a long history with Focus on this issue. There are some misleading statements on this … Continue reading “Keeping Focus on the Family Honest on Reparative Therapy”

Reparative Therapy Information

Reparative therapy information I have done several articles and numerous posts on reparative drive theory and related issues. This page serves to bring those together in one place. The format for now will provide the link and a brief explanation of the post or article. I Am Not a Reparative Therapist – This article was controversial … Continue reading “Reparative Therapy Information”

Sponsor: Celibacy as Therapy Goal Allowed by CA's Anti-Conversion Therapy Bill

The outrage surrounding California’s anti-conversion therapy bill (AB 2943) is growing by the press release. For instance, last Monday (April 30) Summit Ministries canceled a conference in CA because they contend the bill (when it becomes law) will forbid advice which doesn’t affirm homosexuality. According to the press release, Summit’s program would fall under the … Continue reading “Sponsor: Celibacy as Therapy Goal Allowed by CA's Anti-Conversion Therapy Bill”