Does Membership in the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability Benefit Donors?

The mission statement of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability is “Enhancing Trust in Christ-Centered Churches and Ministries.” A primary means of pursuing their mission is through promotion of their seven standards of stewardship. The ECFA website states that the standards are “are fundamental to operating with integrity.” The ECFA tells the public that organizations who … Continue reading “Does Membership in the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability Benefit Donors?”

One Day, Two Views of Mars Hill Church

Yesterday, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and World magazine posted articles about Mars Hill Church. To me, the articles do not seem to be about the same church. The Seattle PI piece addressed the newest development among former Mars Hill Church members and leaders: the Facebook group which alerts the public that many ex-Mars Hill members are … Continue reading “One Day, Two Views of Mars Hill Church”

Mark Driscoll Addresses Mars Hill Church About "One Of The Deepest Learning Seasons" Of His Life

Update: The entire video was available on the Mars Hill website but since the church is now closed, it is no longer available there. You can view it below, hosted on YouTube. Saying he wanted to give the church an update on “one of the deepest learning seasons” of his life, Mark Driscoll delivered a … Continue reading “Mark Driscoll Addresses Mars Hill Church About "One Of The Deepest Learning Seasons" Of His Life”

Facing Financial Pressures, Mars Hill Steps Up Solicitations, Lays Off Staff

In the face of financial concerns, Seattle mega church Mars Hill Church has laid off staff and stepped up efforts to collect donations as the end of the fiscal year passed yesterday. According to ex-staff and sources inside Mars Hill church, on June 20, nine staff were let go amid concern about a sudden “budget … Continue reading “Facing Financial Pressures, Mars Hill Steps Up Solicitations, Lays Off Staff”