Ex-gay Therapist Says He Changes Gay Brains; Michael Bailey Says Prove It

Recently, on the Joni Show, ex-gay therapist Jerry Mungadze said his therapy helps rewire the brains of gay clients. Listen (see RWW for transcript): If you want the full context, go to this segment on the Joni Show and hear the rest. Mungadze did not say how he accomplished this or how he tested it. … Continue reading “Ex-gay Therapist Says He Changes Gay Brains; Michael Bailey Says Prove It”

Voices of Change – Are They Real?

UPDATE: The Voices of Change website managers (David Pickup and/or Arthur Goldberg) have removed the post referenced below. Here is a screen cap of the section which mentioned Andrew Marin. There is no explanation or note about  why the post from December 31 has been removed. What is also odd to me is that the … Continue reading “Voices of Change – Are They Real?”

Matt Barber Invokes Jerry Sandusky to Mislead Public About SB 1172

I get it. Matt Barber thinks gays are disordered and he opposes CA SB 1172. Agree with the bill or not, one should not exploit a tragedy in order to mislead people about what the bill says. Barber says the bill prevents counselors from helping kids who have been sexually abused. He writes at WND: … Continue reading “Matt Barber Invokes Jerry Sandusky to Mislead Public About SB 1172”

NARTH burnishes science credentials by promoting Torah Declaration

In other news… Leaders of the National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) like to say that the group is a scientific organization. Past president and current board member, Dean Byrd, told me that NARTH would not take a position on the criminalization of homosexuality because it is a scientific organization. However, … Continue reading “NARTH burnishes science credentials by promoting Torah Declaration”

NARTH Touts Jones and Yarhouse Study

I was wondering when NARTH would weigh in on the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy publication of the Jones and Yarhouse study. Dated October, 2011, the title of the post — Change in Sexual Orientation is Possible — immediately spins the study. Here is what the press release about the Jones and Yarhouse study … Continue reading “NARTH Touts Jones and Yarhouse Study”