Some Reactions to the Nashville Statement

This week the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood released a series of affirmations and denials regarding human sexuality and gender. Titled the Nashville Statement, the document was signed by a group of conservative theologians, professors, and pastors. The statement trended on Twitter and has led to numerous blog posts and news articles.  In this … Continue reading “Some Reactions to the Nashville Statement”

People Can Change Becomes Brothers on a Road Less Traveled

Several years after the collapse of Exodus International, now comes sexual orientation change group People Can Change to say they are changing focus from change of orientation to a focus on living congruently with traditional religious teaching on sexuality. My prior posts on People Can Change and their flagship program Journey into Manhood can be … Continue reading “People Can Change Becomes Brothers on a Road Less Traveled”

Information and Misinformation on Gender Dysphoria from Wallbuilders and the American College of Pediatricians, Part One

Tuesday on Wallbuilders Live, Dr. Michelle Cretella represented tiny pediatric breakaway group the American College of Pediatricians. She briefly discussed the organization’s position paper on responding to gender identity issues. In doing so, she said something which caught my irony sensor. It also occurred to me, as it repeatedly has in the discussion of gender dysphoria, … Continue reading “Information and Misinformation on Gender Dysphoria from Wallbuilders and the American College of Pediatricians, Part One”

From Change to Congruence: Evergreen International to Merge with North Star International

Box Turtle Bulletin points out today that Latter Day Saint ex-gay group Evergreen International is merging with North Star International, a group less focused on change of orientation and more geared to living in alignment with LDS teaching. This is a significant development in that North Star has not supported reparative therapy or efforts to … Continue reading “From Change to Congruence: Evergreen International to Merge with North Star International”

What makes someone gay and can people change orientation?

In 2010, I submitted a summary of sexual orientation research to Uganda’s Independent. They published it in their Uganda Talks section. In light of the passage of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill and recent discussions on this blog, I am reprinting it here. There isn’t much that I would change about it three years later but I … Continue reading “What makes someone gay and can people change orientation?”