I am not attending the NARTH conference; Dr. Blakeslee resigns

Call me crazy but I have decided not to present the Sexual Identity Therapy Guidelines at the NARTH conference in November. In addition to other reasons, I am in disbelief that the leadership of NARTH has not come out against the article by Gerald Schoenewolf regarding political correctness. I fear that this is a cloud … Continue reading “I am not attending the NARTH conference; Dr. Blakeslee resigns”

Love in Action on Good Morning America and beyond: Distortions in the current coverage

I didn’t see the segment but the article about it is on the ABC website. Love in Action is getting much attention lately but the media are making generalizations that are staggering. Here are the four major ones that come to mind. 1. LIA is lumped in with all reparative therapies. This is inaccurate. LIA … Continue reading “Love in Action on Good Morning America and beyond: Distortions in the current coverage”

Revoice and Again I Say Revoice

Revoice is a new organization composed of people who seek “to encourage, support, and empower gay, lesbian, and other same-sex attracted Christians so they can experience the life-giving character of the historic, Christian sexual ethic.” The group encourages same-sex attracted people to be open about their orientation in traditional church but to remain celibate. Despite … Continue reading “Revoice and Again I Say Revoice”

The Nashville Statement and Same-Sex Attraction

Despite many critical reactions, the Nashville Statement continues to attract signers. The creators of the statement hoped to draw a line in the church sand and they apparently have succeeded. The statement is divisive regarding the moral status of homosexual acts and desire. It isn’t surprising for the signers to consider same-sex sexual behavior to … Continue reading “The Nashville Statement and Same-Sex Attraction”