Willow Creek Church breaks with Exodus International

This change has been in the works for a long time but the news, coming during a renewed interest in reparative therapy, will keep the discussion going. Bottom line is that various stakeholders are not comfortable with the change paradigm and are moving to the congruence paradigm. Exodus, at times, has articulated a congruence message but has … Continue reading “Willow Creek Church breaks with Exodus International”

Factsaboutyouth.com: A critical review

Yesterday, Focus on the Family’s Citizenlink promoted a new website from the American College of Pediatrics, called Facts About Youth which purports to be  a resource created by health professionals to provide policymakers, parents and youth with the most current medical and psychological facts about sexual development. The website makes additional claims about the information presented. … Continue reading “Factsaboutyouth.com: A critical review”

Shame and attachment loss: Going from bad to worse

Trying to keep up on the new developments in reparative therapy, I purchased NARTH’s co-founder Joseph Nicolosi’s new book, Shame and Attachment Loss: The Practical Work of Reparative Therapy. This post is not a review but more of a prep for a review. I am going to provide some excerpts and comments which may form … Continue reading “Shame and attachment loss: Going from bad to worse”

LDS scholars critique Byrd, Cox & Robinson review

Monday, I posted a statement from J. Michael Bailey, prolific sexual orientation researcher at Northwestern University, regarding what he called a “blatant misquotation” and misrepresentation of his views by Dean Byrd, Shirley Cox and Jeffrey Robinson in a 2005 book review of In Quiet Desperation. Yesterday, I posted a link to the rebuttal by In … Continue reading “LDS scholars critique Byrd, Cox & Robinson review”

Social psychologist David Myers opines on APA report in Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal invited Hope College social psychologist David Myers to write a column regarding the APA task force report on appropriate therapeutic responses to sexual orientation. Dr. Myers is the author of several books, including the text I use in teaching the social psychology class at GCC. I highly recommend the text, as … Continue reading “Social psychologist David Myers opines on APA report in Wall Street Journal”