Blog post at US News & World Report: Does the APA advise a church switch?

Here’s the blog post over at Dan Gilgoff’s US News and World Report blog, God and Country. The backdrop: The initial article about the APA sexual orientation and therapy report to hit the wire was by David Crary at the AP. However, some (many?) papers truncated the article in such a way that it seemed … Continue reading “Blog post at US News & World Report: Does the APA advise a church switch?”

Thoughts on the status of the Reorientation Wars

So now that the dust has started to settle from the APA convention in Toronto, let’s review the status of the Reorientation Wars. Does therapy change orientation? In anticipation of the APA’s report, NARTH fired an opening salvo with their paper (What Research Shows…). Perhaps sensing, incorrectly as it turns out, that the APA would … Continue reading “Thoughts on the status of the Reorientation Wars”

Jones and Yarhouse Exodus study follow up

This morning at the American Psychological Association annual convention, Stanton Jones and Mark Yarhouse are presenting their Time 6 and final follow up to the study of Exodus participants seeking change of orientation. The paper is titled, Ex Gays? An Extended Longitudinal Study of Attempted Religiously Mediated Change in Sexual Orientation. They are presenting these … Continue reading “Jones and Yarhouse Exodus study follow up”

NARTH releases journal

The National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality recently released a journal. PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release June 10, 2009 Contact: David Pruden Phone: (888) 364-4744 E-mail: [email protected] New Scientific Research Refutes Unsubstantiated Claims Regarding Homosexuality Encino, CA- A new report in this month’s edition of the peer-reviewed Journal of Human Sexuality finds … Continue reading “NARTH releases journal”

WorldNetDaily suddenly finds year old NARTH article newsworthy

A reader emailed me to say that the American Psychological Association had recently changed the official view on homosexuality causation to endorse an environmental set of causes. The prompt for the email was this article from WorldNetDaily: “‘Gay’ gene claim suddenly vanishes” To arrive at this startling conclusion, the WND writer, Rob Unruh quotes an … Continue reading “WorldNetDaily suddenly finds year old NARTH article newsworthy”