Nicolosi claims 75% cured

SEE UPDATES BELOW… Last week I blogged about a homosexuality conference in London hosted by the conservative Anglican Mainstream, and featuring Joseph Nicolosi, Jeff Satinover and Arthur Goldberg. One attendee was David Virtue who runs His website is popular among conservative Anglicans. Virtue had much to say about the conference but one quote stood … Continue reading “Nicolosi claims 75% cured”

Luca was gay: The lyrics in English

I posted in December, 2008 about the controversy in Italy regarding an ex-gay song to be sung in the Italian music festival, Sanremo by Italian artist, Povia. Up to now, the lyrics to the song not known. We now have them here. Thanks to a translation by Emiliano Lambiase, I can now post the lyrics … Continue reading “Luca was gay: The lyrics in English”

Lisa Diamond: NARTH distorts my research

Today’s Salt Lake City Tribune published an article which brings the private feud between University of Utah professor Lisa Diamond and the National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) into public view. Diamond went on camera for Wayne Besen in October to complain about NARTH’s use of her research but this article … Continue reading “Lisa Diamond: NARTH distorts my research”

NARTH conference opens today in Denver, CO

Amidst the inevitable protests, the annual conference of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality opens today in Denver, CO with the theme, “Sound Scientific Research: In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” For NARTH, this would be a worthy objective. Given the theme, one would expect … Continue reading “NARTH conference opens today in Denver, CO”

Reports of adverse reactions to abortion: How should mental health professional groups respond?

In addition to my work in sexual identity issues, I am quite interested in policy relating to the psychological reactions of women who have had abortions. I have observed over the past several years that women who associate their abortion with mental health distress have approached the American Psychological Association with their concerns and stories. … Continue reading “Reports of adverse reactions to abortion: How should mental health professional groups respond?”