Things I Learned Today: The Mark Driscoll, Tullian Tchividjian, and Dustin Boles Edition

One, Tullian Tchividjian got remarried sometime over the weekend of 8/26. He has been in Texas and is working on a book. Two, Mark Driscoll is going to speak this month at a Phoenix meeting of the Christian Legal Society. I wonder if the subject of RICO will come up? Three, Dustin Boles is no … Continue reading “Things I Learned Today: The Mark Driscoll, Tullian Tchividjian, and Dustin Boles Edition”

GOP Platform Members: What Happened to Arms Help for Ukraine?

This WaPo article said Trump intervened in one issue during the week of putting together the GOP platform: Ukraine. Specifically, the Trump camp did not want the platform to call for providing arms to Ukraine to defend themselves against Russian aggression. Most conservatives want to help defend Ukraine. Why doesn’t Trump? Perhaps, his advisors and … Continue reading “GOP Platform Members: What Happened to Arms Help for Ukraine?”

Plaintiffs Respond to Mark Driscoll's and Sutton Turner's Motions to Dismiss the RICO Suit: Not Enough Funds to Continue

Today, attorney Brian Fahling filed responses to the motions to dismiss the RICO lawsuit accusing Mark Driscoll and Sutton Turner of misuse of funds in their positions as pastors at the now defunct Mars Hill Church in Seattle. Bottom line: Because sufficient funds have not been raised to pursue the case, the suit was not … Continue reading “Plaintiffs Respond to Mark Driscoll's and Sutton Turner's Motions to Dismiss the RICO Suit: Not Enough Funds to Continue”

Sutton Turner Names Attorney and Responds to Mars Hill RICO Lawsuit

Sutton Turner’s Seattle attorney has notified the court and Turner notified plaintiff’s attorney that service would be accepted on the RICO lawsuit naming him and Mark Driscoll as defendants.* They are accused of running the church in a manner to financially benefit the leaders, especially Mark Driscoll. In response to the suit, Turner exclusively provided the following … Continue reading “Sutton Turner Names Attorney and Responds to Mars Hill RICO Lawsuit”

Ted Cruz Misleads on Climate Science

A video going around Facebook again (first posted back in September 2015) shows Ted Cruz answering an impatient questioner on climate science. Cruz displayed a calm demeanor but he played loose with the facts. The questioner asked Cruz if he denies climate change. Watch: [youtube][/youtube] Unfortunately the questioner got in his own way at first. … Continue reading “Ted Cruz Misleads on Climate Science”