#GivingTuesday: Donor Illusions

Although dated, I have found this 2009 article on donor illusions to be helpful.  The article was published on the blog of the Give Well organization, a donor support group. Give Well publishes a recommended charity list each year. Here is 2016’s list. The Give Well description of donor illusions focuses on international charities but … Continue reading “#GivingTuesday: Donor Illusions”

Donald Trump's Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon Tolerates Racism to Achieve Political Goals

Hillary called them “deplorables,” Bannon calls them “baggage.” What will Trumpists do with “aspects that may be anti-Semitic or racial?”   In a speech to a Catholic group published by Buzzfeed, President-elect Donald Trump’s chief strategist Stephen Bannon presented his view of the world and political goals related to that view. The speech and subsequent … Continue reading “Donald Trump's Chief Strategist Stephen Bannon Tolerates Racism to Achieve Political Goals”

The Trump Campaign Calls for Breaking up Media Organizations

Supporters of Donald Trump warn that Hillary Clinton will weaken the Second Amendment. Perhaps they should worry first about the First Amendment. Read this campaign press release from Trump senior economic advisor Peter Navarro. – OCTOBER 23, 2016 – STATEMENT ON MONOPOLY POWER OF NEW MEDIA CONGLOMERATES “Over a hundred years ago, a pro-business Teddy … Continue reading “The Trump Campaign Calls for Breaking up Media Organizations”

Eric Metaxas: Hillary Clinton is 1930s Fascism in Rainbow Colors

Eric Metaxas continues to double and triple down on his contention that opposition to Hillary Clinton (and support for Trump) is like Bonhoeffer’s resistance to the Nazis. For good measure, he seems to liken Trump opponents to German Christians who failed to oppose Hitler. Reading the comments, it appears that many of his Twitter followers … Continue reading “Eric Metaxas: Hillary Clinton is 1930s Fascism in Rainbow Colors”