Why You Should Care About Net Neutrality

Yesterday, net neutrality became a dominant topic of conversation on social media because FCC Chair and Trump appointee Ajit Pai announced plans for a December 14 vote on Obama-era net neutrality rules. Pai wants to scrap them despite an overwhelming outpouring of public comment against his plan. A majority of commenters to the FCC want to … Continue reading “Why You Should Care About Net Neutrality”

The Village Church to Spin Off Video Venues into Autonomous Local Churches

About an hour ago, The Village Church in Dallas-Fort Worth announced that they plan to spin off five campuses into autonomous churches. @MattChandler74 shared some big news yesterday about the next step in gospel-centered multiplication at TVC. https://t.co/Oh4Y0JmaJr pic.twitter.com/4DPxXqPZkk — The Village Church (@villagechurchtx) September 25, 2017 Watch the video description on the church website … Continue reading “The Village Church to Spin Off Video Venues into Autonomous Local Churches”

Question for Evangelicals for Biblical Immigration: What Does Indigenous Mean?

President Trump’s immigration policies have split the evangelical world. Many called on Trump to save the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program while others applauded the president for rescinding it.  Now that the matter is in the hands of Congress, lobbying for both sides is fierce. Some evangelical groups have promised an intense lobbying … Continue reading “Question for Evangelicals for Biblical Immigration: What Does Indigenous Mean?”

Read the Plan of Dissolution for Mars Hill Church

At the end of 2014, Mars Hill Church closed down. Several ends were loose as MHC ceased to hold services. Mark Driscoll had left the church but there was much curiosity about the report prepared by his elders which called on him to step down and enter a plan of restoration. That report was never … Continue reading “Read the Plan of Dissolution for Mars Hill Church”

Changes at Mercury One: Should Donors Be Concerned?

Mercury One is a non-profit humanitarian organization founded by Glenn Beck about five years ago. The main thrusts of the organization have been education, disaster relief, veteran assistance, and humanitarian assistance to refugees. As a part of Mercury One’s mission, the Nazarene Fund was created to fund the rescue of Christians refugees from ISIS held … Continue reading “Changes at Mercury One: Should Donors Be Concerned?”