Why I Won't Vote for Ted Cruz – #NeverCruz

In this crazy GOP primary season, I have come out frequently for John Kasich although I could have lived with Marco Rubio as well. Given the available choices, a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be a pretty formidable duo to face either Clinton or Sanders in November. For me, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are non-starters. In … Continue reading “Why I Won't Vote for Ted Cruz – #NeverCruz”

Mark Driscoll’s The Trinity Church Holds Open House Amid Protest

Four protesters and at least one news crew greeted Mark Driscoll’s debut in Phoenix on Sunday evening. According to one protester, the police arrived to tell the picketers that the sidewalk was public property. On person on the scene estimated that about 40 cars were in the parking lot about 15 minutes before the service, … Continue reading “Mark Driscoll’s The Trinity Church Holds Open House Amid Protest”

Hindustan Times Covers Gospel for Asia Scandal

The second largest paper in India — Hindustan Times — has a front page story out today with a summary of the Gospel for Asia scandal. In it, we learn that GFA-India was contacted but without comment. GFA-Canada’s director Pat Emerick’s comments are getting more surreal. He told reporter Anirudh Bhattacharyya that the accusations again GFA are … Continue reading “Hindustan Times Covers Gospel for Asia Scandal”

Former Mars Hill Church Executive Pastor Sutton Turner Comments on RICO Lawsuit

Mark Driscoll and Sutton Turner are the defendants in a RICO lawsuit filed by two former Mars Hill Church couples. Driscoll recently spoke out and called the charges “false and malicious” and “without any merit.” This morning, co-defendant in the suit — former executive elder Sutton Turner — responded to the matter on his blog. … Continue reading “Former Mars Hill Church Executive Pastor Sutton Turner Comments on RICO Lawsuit”