Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill – Full text with commentary

In October, 2009, David Bahati and Benson Obua introduced the Anti-Homosexuality Bill in the Ugandan Parliament. Supporters of the bill have claimed publicly that the bill is designed to provide consequences for molestation of boys in the same way Ugandan law does for offenses against girls. Yesterday, Martin Ssempa said to the Christianity Today that … Continue reading “Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill – Full text with commentary”

APA Monitor on the APA sexual orientation and therapy report

The current American Psychological Association Monitor briefly reports on the August report from the Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation. Not much new here for regular readers of the blog. The big news in my view was the treatment of religion which did not get as much coverage as the discouragement of change … Continue reading “APA Monitor on the APA sexual orientation and therapy report”

Shame and attachment loss: Reparative therapy and father-son estrangement

Picking up the narrative on the new book from Joseph Nicolosi, Shame and attachment loss: The practical work of reparative therapy, I want to focus on the family dynamics Nicolosi proposes to be at the source of male homosexuality. There are two basic types of family soil which Nicolosi believes grows some same-sex love: the “classic-triadic … Continue reading “Shame and attachment loss: Reparative therapy and father-son estrangement”

Christianity Today on evangelical divide over reparative therapy

Christianity Today has an article out online today which covers familiar ground to readers here. Written by Bobby Ross, the article notes the divisions over reparative therapy which have been accentuated by the recent APA report on sexual orientation and therapy. No surprise here: Evangelical leaders who advocate gay reparative therapy took umbrage at a … Continue reading “Christianity Today on evangelical divide over reparative therapy”

York, PA paper examines faith, sexuality and APA report

The York Daily Record ran a story in the September 6 print edition and then online on the 8th which examined the American Psychological Association report as well as the Jones and Yarhouse study. The article by Melissa Nann Burke included interviews from local Exodus ministries as well. Some good things here… The men and … Continue reading “York, PA paper examines faith, sexuality and APA report”