World Magazine on the APA sexual orientation task force report

Alisa Harris at World Magazine has a web only article out today discussing the APA task force report. I am quoted along with David Pruden at NARTH. There are a couple of points in the NARTH information that are incorrect. Psychologist Warren Throckmorton once met a woman who was in a lifelong lesbian relationship and … Continue reading “World Magazine on the APA sexual orientation task force report”

APA sexual orientation task force report: Analysis

Earlier today, the American Psychological Association governing board received the report of the Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Response to Sexual Orientation. The report and press release were embargoed until now. With this post, I want to comment on the paper and recommendations made by the Task Force. Generally, I believe the paper to be … Continue reading “APA sexual orientation task force report: Analysis”

Press release: APA Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation Report

The APA released the report from the Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation today. This post is the APA press release, I also have an analysis of the report and another post coming with press reports. APA PRESS RELEASE August 5, 2009 Contact: Kim Mills (202) 336-6048 until Aug. 5 (416) 585-3800 … Continue reading “Press release: APA Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation Report”

Treatmentshomosexuality website open to positive experiences

Michael King, British psychiatrist and researcher, is behind a research wesbite called The website’s purpose is stated up front: The website is new and under development. It is about use of so-called “treatments” that aim to make homosexual people heterosexual. It arose from research funded by the Wellcome Trust from 2001 to 2004 into … Continue reading “Treatmentshomosexuality website open to positive experiences”

The Dr. Phil Show on gender identity, Part 3 – Should puberty be delayed?

Near the end of the Dr. Phil Show on gender identity, two guests who were not on stage provided a mini-introduction to the controversy of using hormones to delay puberty. Dr. Jo Olson and Dr. Eva Cwynar are two prominent doctors who work in the field of gender disorders and endocrinology. And action! From the … Continue reading “The Dr. Phil Show on gender identity, Part 3 – Should puberty be delayed?”