Sexual identity: Thoughts on the status of the reorientation wars

(First posted on August 12, 2009) So now that the dust has started to settle from the APA convention in Toronto, let’s review the status of the Reorientation Wars. Does therapy change orientation? In anticipation of the APA’s report, NARTH fired an opening salvo with their paper (What Research Shows…). Perhaps sensing, incorrectly as it … Continue reading “Sexual identity: Thoughts on the status of the reorientation wars”

Sexual identity: APA sexual orientation task force report – Analysis

(First posted August 5, 2009) Earlier today, the American Psychological Association governing board received the report of the Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Response to Sexual Orientation. The report and press release were embargoed until now. With this post, I want to comment on the paper and recommendations made by the Task Force. Generally, I … Continue reading “Sexual identity: APA sexual orientation task force report – Analysis”

Sexual identity: Our bodies tell us who we are

(First posted October 1, 2007) Warning: Long post… This post could be part three of the series on sexual identity therapy and neutrality but I chose this title because I want to focus on one specific issue, at least in my mind, with telling psychotherapy clients that “our bodies tell us who we are.” Saying … Continue reading “Sexual identity: Our bodies tell us who we are”

A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality refers to George Rekers work with Kirk Murphy

As noted earlier today, CNN and Box Turtle Bulletin today broke the story of a former child patient of George Rekers who was treated to prevent homosexuality. According to the family, the results were not as portrayed by Rekers and some of the details are so discrepant that I wonder if UCLA will conduct an … Continue reading “A Parent's Guide to Preventing Homosexuality refers to George Rekers work with Kirk Murphy”

The roots of preventing homosexuality: George Rekers uncovered at Box Turtle Bulletin

Jim Burroway at Box Turtle Bulletin has an extraordinary report on a young man treated by George Rekers in 1970. This is a must read and a significant contribution to understanding the roots of treatment for homosexuality. As most readers of this blog know, George Rekers, former NARTH board member, was caught with a male … Continue reading “The roots of preventing homosexuality: George Rekers uncovered at Box Turtle Bulletin”