Thoughts on NARTH’s statement on sexual orientation change

For the sake of time, I am going to react to parts of NARTH’s new statement on sexual orientation change. First, I want to say a few things about this paragraph: Finally, it also needs to be observed that reports on the potential for sexual orientation change may be unduly pessimistic based on the confounding … Continue reading “Thoughts on NARTH’s statement on sexual orientation change”

NARTH issues statement on sexual orientation change

Apparently in response to Alan Chambers’ candor about sexual orientation change, the National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality issued a clarification of what that organization means by change. Issued January 27, the statement reads in full: Current discussions of homosexual sexual orientation change are unavoidably occurring within a sociopolitical climate that makes … Continue reading “NARTH issues statement on sexual orientation change”

NARTH at odds with Exodus over reparative therapy

Historically, the National Association for the Research and Therapy (NARTH) has considered Exodus an ally in the social discussion of sexual orientation change efforts. Until recently, Exodus sold reparative therapy books in their bookstore but recently removed them. Also, Alan Chambers recently told an audience at the Gay Christian Network conference that The majority of … Continue reading “NARTH at odds with Exodus over reparative therapy”

Do broken parental attachments cause homosexuality? An interview with Diana Fosha

Earlier this week, NPR produced a report briefly telling the stories of Rich Wyler and Peterson Toscano. Wyler is the co-founder of People Can Change and Journey into Manhood, both of which seek change of sexual orientation via a variety of highly provocative techniques. Toscano sought change for 17 years and then accepted that he … Continue reading “Do broken parental attachments cause homosexuality? An interview with Diana Fosha”

New study: Sexual behavior changes but not sexual orientation

Media have been all over the Bachmann clinic story this week with lots of related discussion about how much, if at all, sexual orientation changes. As a part of this discussion, I noted that a study I am writing up found that over all married gay people assess themselves as growing more same-sex attracted over … Continue reading “New study: Sexual behavior changes but not sexual orientation”