Holsinger resigns from Asbury; to be appointed during recess

Surgeon General nominee, James Holsinger has resigned from his board position with Asbury Seminary. Bible Belt Blogger, Frank Lockwood, is reporting that he will be appointed to his post during the upcoming Congressional recess. Exgaywatch and Boxturtle Bulletin has coverage.

Scratch that: Dobson and Huckabee deny endorsement report (updated)

Rumors about a Dobson endorsement for Huck are false…

Updated: The Spectator stands by the earlier report while at the same time reporting Mr. Minnery’s denial. Sometimes in organizations these things are done to assess trustworthiness. Not saying that is what has happened here. Focus is a large organization and it is easy for misinformation to get around the water cooler. Tom Minnery is a straight shooter and I certainly trust that what he is saying. Dobson may be considering an endorsement but I won’t believe it until I see it. Now I do think he might be nearing a broadcast with Huckabee…

Also, see this AP report.

James Dobson to endorse Mike Huckabee

According to the American Spectator, Focus on the Family founder James Dobson is set to endorse Mike Huckabee for president. The Spectator article says it will happen in Iowa and is sure to help offset Sen. McCain’s endorsement from Sen. Brownback as well as the Giuliani endorsement from Pat Robertson. Expect to see more endorsements from social conservatives as this unfolds.

Pat Robertson endorses Giuliani

Christian Broadcasting Network leader Pat Robertson has decided to endorse Rudy Giuliani for president, the Washington Post is reporting.


“I thought it was important for me to make it clear that Rudy Giuliani is more than acceptable to people of faith,” said Robertson. “Given the fractured nature of the process, I thought it was time to solidify around one candidate.”

So it’s official the Christian right is fractured. See the Post article for more, including video.

Post-mortem on the Obama-McClurkin dust up

The conservative Weekly Standard provides some dandy analysis of the Obama-McClurkin episode. Surprising to me is the writer Dean Barnett’s reference to McClurkin as “semi-gay.” Now we have yet another term to add to the collection, albeit not one that is likely catch on. Guess you can color him skeptical.
