Smooth thinking on sexuality: Labels don’t communicate well

Robert Epstein, a frequent commentator on sexuality issues, reports in advance of his Scientific American online survey of 18,000 people regarding precision in defining sexual orientation.  He says,

Although common thinking holds that everyone is either “gay” or “straight,” my new survey of nearly 18,000 people who voluntarily answered an online quiz shows that these terms are highly misleading. Sexual orientation actually lies on a smooth continuum, and the way people state their orientation is often a poor predictor of their true sexual behaviors and fantasies. Someone can call himself “gay” but behave “straight,” and vice versa.

Looking forward to his findings…

Holsinger resigns from Asbury; to be appointed during recess

Surgeon General nominee, James Holsinger has resigned from his board position with Asbury Seminary. Bible Belt Blogger, Frank Lockwood, is reporting that he will be appointed to his post during the upcoming Congressional recess. Exgaywatch and Boxturtle Bulletin has coverage.

Montgomery County, MD votes tomorrow on gender identity ordinance

For sure, Montgomery County, MD is a hotspot for cultural change. My information is that tomorrow, the county officials there vote on whether to prohibit discrimination on the basis of gender identity that a person expresses or asserts. Here is the paper trail on this issue with the current ordinance.

I cannot see any exemptions except perhaps for “distinctly private or personal” facilities (what are those like – is a church in that group?). Not sure what that means, but it appears children might exposed, literally, to adult nudity in public facilities.

Let’s have an open forum on this.

Scratch that: Dobson and Huckabee deny endorsement report (updated)

Rumors about a Dobson endorsement for Huck are false…

Updated: The Spectator stands by the earlier report while at the same time reporting Mr. Minnery’s denial. Sometimes in organizations these things are done to assess trustworthiness. Not saying that is what has happened here. Focus is a large organization and it is easy for misinformation to get around the water cooler. Tom Minnery is a straight shooter and I certainly trust that what he is saying. Dobson may be considering an endorsement but I won’t believe it until I see it. Now I do think he might be nearing a broadcast with Huckabee…

Also, see this AP report.

International Healing Foundation: An Update

I have made several posts recently regarding the International Healing Foundation. To summarize the information, I created a page on the blog where I will add and update information as needed.

Today, I added a statement from IHF Assistant Director, Hilde Wiemann, who now acknowledges that she did return to the Unification movement in various capacities after 1995. I believe it took courage for her to do this and she has provided a clear statement rejecting the Unificationist movement. I have included the statement and some additional information on the IHF page.