Republicans Divided from the Start, Security Kicks Out Press

When I said the vanguard of American fascism, I wasn’t far off. The RNC in partnership with Donald Trump is according to Sen. Mike Lee in “uncharted territory.”
Uncharted territory
Utah Senator Mike Lee commented that the disregard of rules is uncharted territory for the RNC. The press was kicked off the convention floor at one point as well.

If Trump Becomes the GOP Nominee, the RNC is Responsible

There is a way that the GOP can be saved. The Wall Street Journal maps it out here.
Since a Virginia court case earlier this week made it clear that a state may not enforce laws overriding the rules of a political party, it is now up to the GOP rules committee to adopt a rule allowing delegates to vote for the candidate they now believe will be the best person to take on Hillary Clinton. If the delegates vote for Trump, so be it. If not, the GOP might have a chance in November.
Right now, it is the Republican establishment and evangelical leaders who are propping up Trump’s nomination. If RNC leaders thwart the Free the Delegate movement by blocking rules changes (as they are reportedly doing right now), then they are responsible for presenting Donald Trump to the nation as the GOP standard bearer. A simple rules change will allow delegates to exercise their responsibility to choose the best candidate. Without it, Trump will become the nominee.
Evangelical leaders (e.g., Eric Metaxas, David Jeremiah, etc) who have come out for Trump have already tarnished their reputation. There is about a day left for them to recant and encourage the delegates to vote for rules changes which will allow the possibility of multiple ballots at the convention. It is simply impossible to take seriously any evangelical leaders who has come out for Trump. This election cycle has really revealed some things to the rank and file for the first time.
Check out these websites and do what you can.
Free the Delegates
Delegates Unbound
If the effort to stop Trump are unsuccessful, then consider this third party effort.

Donald Trump Says His Experience Shows That Blacks Who Feel System is Rigged Might Be Right

Donald Trump’s been all over the place with his views of the African-American experience. Yesterday, he said he can’t relate to African-Americans because he isn’t one. He says Obama has been a divider and we need a cheerleader. Then he declines an invitation to speak to the NAACP, where he could cheerlead a little. Then he told Bill O’Reilly he could relate to the system being rigged against blacks because it is rigged against him.
No really, watch what he said below:

He was right the first time. He doesn’t get it.

Virginia Court Decision Frees Delegates, Paves Way for GOP Convention Fight

Today, a Virginia law binding delegates to the results of the state’s primary was overturned by a federal court today paving the way for a delegate challenge to Donald Trump’s nomination. The case was brought by Beau Correll who sought to prevent enforcement of a Virginia law binding delegates to the primary results. He does not want to vote for Trump and now he doesn’t have to. Judge Robert Payne concluded:

For the foregoing reasons, judgment will be entered in Correll’s favor on Counts I and II and the Commonwealth will be permanently enjoined from enforcing Va. Code § 24.2-545(0).

According to the Free the Delegates movement, the rules committee is set to allow a vote on a rules change favorable to the anti-Trump forces. The stars would have to align just so, but the potential for a Convention surprise is much greater now.
UPDATE: For some reason, Trump is spinning the results as if he won. See his Facebook page. He is actually citing the statement of facts as the judgment.

David Barton: Donald Trump is God's Candidate in This Election

So he told his Wallbuilders audience today.
Right Wing Watch has the audio.
What is maddening about Barton’s description is that he was asked for advice by a delegate who doesn’t believe Trump should represent the GOP. Instead of pointing the delegate to the Free the Delegate movement, he told him to accept Trump as “God’s candidate.”
Barton rationalized his advice:

“One thing I know for sure is that in the race of primaries, we had a lot really good God guys in there,” Barton said. “And we had a huge turnout of professing Christians and evangelicals and others, so there is nothing to complain about that we didn’t get a voice, we didn’t get a candidate. We had great candidates to choose from and this is who the people chose, and this is who the people chose with a really high turnout of evangelicals. So I kind of look back and say, ‘Hmmm, I wonder where God’s fingerprint is in this?’ because this is not necessarily a failure of the church.”

I wonder why Barton doesn’t consider Barack Obama God’s guy. Despite all kinds of evangelical GOTV efforts and prayer rallies and such, Obama won twice.
I am a mortal. I let God take care of His fingerprints. I can’t for a minute believe principled people are supposed to try to read God’s mind and come up with Donald Trump as “God’s candidate.”
The convention delegates have a gate keeping role and I hope that delegate who queried Barton will find the Free the Delegate folks and follow his conscience.