With Questions Unanswered, Mars Hill Church Keeps On Pushing Mars Hill Global

Last week, Mars Hill Church admitted that they had caused confusion regarding donations to the Mars Hill Global Fund. While answering some questions, they left some unanswered. One big question: How much money was actually spent on Ethiopian and Indian evangelists between 2012 and 2014? Mars Hill offered to direct donations made to the Global … Continue reading “With Questions Unanswered, Mars Hill Church Keeps On Pushing Mars Hill Global”

Mars Hill Church Admits Fault in Confusion on Mars Hill Global; Still No Report of Donation Amounts

In a change of course, Mars Hill Church leaders admitted they caused confusion, and have offered to direct Mars Hill Global donations to international missions. They still have not clearly provided a specific accounting of the funds but they have come closer. Here are the new questions and answers added which are significant admissions: WHERE … Continue reading “Mars Hill Church Admits Fault in Confusion on Mars Hill Global; Still No Report of Donation Amounts”

Change.org Petition Seeks Disclosure of Mars Hill Global Spending

A petition calling for accountability has been posted at Change.org and directed toward Sutton Turner, executive pastor at Mars Hill Church and Dan Busby, president of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. Titled, “Mars Hill Church, tell us how much “Global Fund” money was spent on “international” outreach,” the petition briefly calls on Mars Hill … Continue reading “Change.org Petition Seeks Disclosure of Mars Hill Global Spending”

Dear Mars Hill Church: Can You Answer One More Frequently Asked Question About Mars Hill Global?

How much of the Global Fund did you spend on international outreach and how much was spent on U.S. outreach during FYs 2013 and 2014? On June 3, I posted a question for Mars Hill Church: Where did the Global Fund go? Yesterday, Mars Hill Church addressed that question and a few more by placing … Continue reading “Dear Mars Hill Church: Can You Answer One More Frequently Asked Question About Mars Hill Global?”

More Evidence That Mars Hill Global Was About International Missions from 2012-2014

At one time, Mars Hill Global was a platform for people to give to Resurgence,Mars Hill Church and Acts 29 Network. However, by August 2012, the branding had changed as the materials below demonstrate. The means to give to all three was changed to The Connect Desk and Mars Hill Global became the ministry to … Continue reading “More Evidence That Mars Hill Global Was About International Missions from 2012-2014”