Eric Metaxas Complains about Clinton Misquotes, Refuses to Correct the Quote He Misattributed to Bonhoeffer

During the debate between Clinton and Trump last night, Eric Metaxas tweeted the following: Hillary misquoting Tocqueville is like Reagan misquoting Marx. — Eric Metaxas (@ericmetaxas) October 20, 2016 Hillary said in passing that “America is great because America is good.” Although the quote is commonly associated with Tocqueville, it can’t be found in his … Continue reading “Eric Metaxas Complains about Clinton Misquotes, Refuses to Correct the Quote He Misattributed to Bonhoeffer”

Eric Metaxas Uses Odd Term – Fascistic Globalism – Twitter Howls

If it hasn’t happened already, this may be Eric Metaxas jumping the shark. The fascistic globalism of HRC/Obama is similar to the threat that German fascist nationalism was in Bonhoeffer's day. Both are anti-God. — Eric Metaxas (@ericmetaxas) October 19, 2016 I can’t respond any better than the numerous commenters who are really taking him … Continue reading “Eric Metaxas Uses Odd Term – Fascistic Globalism – Twitter Howls”

Eric Metaxas, Donald Trump, and Samson

Election season just makes everybody a little silly. Like this: What does Trump have to do with Samson? It goes way past the hair issue… — Eric Metaxas (@ericmetaxas) October 16, 2016 Metaxas linked to an article that makes a case Trump is like Samson. He doesn’t drink wine, he has a tendency to … Continue reading “Eric Metaxas, Donald Trump, and Samson”

Still No Correction from Eric Metaxas or Thomas Nelson on Popular Quote Misattributed to Bonhoeffer

Yesterday, Wilberforce and Bonhoeffer biographer Eric Metaxas closed his Wall Street Journal op-ed supporting Donald Trump with this paragraph: A vote for Donald Trump is not necessarily a vote for Donald Trump himself. It is a vote for those who will be affected by the results of this election. Not to vote is to vote. … Continue reading “Still No Correction from Eric Metaxas or Thomas Nelson on Popular Quote Misattributed to Bonhoeffer”

Open Forum: Eric Metaxas Sticks with Trump

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed out today, Eric Metaxas continues to confuse his audience by his support for Donald Trump. His op-ed reminded me of this observation by Mark Noll: The scandal of the evangelical mind is that there is not much of an evangelical mind. As a serious defense of a vote for Trump, … Continue reading “Open Forum: Eric Metaxas Sticks with Trump”