Eric Metaxas to Bonhoeffer Scholars: Every Syllable of My Bonhoeffer Bio is True

Eric Metaxas lives in a curious space among those who admire and study German pastor and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer. In one universe dominated by evangelicals outside of academia, Metaxas is viewed as a Bonhoeffer scholar. In another dominated by academics and Bonhoeffer scholars, he is considered to be a Bonhoeffer revisionist, someone who has hijacked … Continue reading “Eric Metaxas to Bonhoeffer Scholars: Every Syllable of My Bonhoeffer Bio is True”

Eric Metaxas: Trump is not wrong nearly as much as everybody says he’s wrong

Trump is not wrong nearly as much as everybody says he’s wrong. – Eric Metaxas This and other gems can be found in an interview with Metaxas conducted by Emma Green for The Atlantic and out this morning. Green interviewed Metaxas at the March for Life and then followed up with an email about Trump’s … Continue reading “Eric Metaxas: Trump is not wrong nearly as much as everybody says he’s wrong”

Which Donald Trump Did Eric Metaxas Support?

Just before Donald Trump told the whole world that all decisions he makes will be according to the values of “America First,” Eric Metaxas published a piece in the Wall Street Journal with the title, “The Promise of Donald Trump.” In his inaugural address, Trump said: We assembled here today are issuing a new decree … Continue reading “Which Donald Trump Did Eric Metaxas Support?”

Eric Metaxas Continues to Misattribute Quote to Bonhoeffer

A casualty of this election season is Eric Metaxas’ reputation as a scholar. He acknowledges this in an interview published yesterday on NPR. In addition to his political statements, Metaxas again hurt himself by continuing to misattribute a quote to Dietrich Bonhoeffer in the service of support for Donald Trump. Metaxas said he has been … Continue reading “Eric Metaxas Continues to Misattribute Quote to Bonhoeffer”

Eric Metaxas Illustrates What Evangelicals Need to Correct

As the Donald Trump saga nears the end, it will be good to reflect on what can be learned. One thing I hope for is a backlash against false or misleading information being used by evangelicals to make their political points. Case in point: Metaxas desperately pushing older line of conspiracy theories, gets put in … Continue reading “Eric Metaxas Illustrates What Evangelicals Need to Correct”