Confirmed: David Barton’s Founders’ Bible Cites Pro-Slavery James Hammond as Proponent of America as Christian Nation

I first pointed out here and here that an early draft of the Founders’ Bible contained a positive and substantial reference to South Carolina pro-slavery leader James Hammond.  I wondered over the months since then whether or not the reference stayed in the Bible since Hammond is such an unsavory character in American history. Indeed, Hammond’s endorsement of America as a Christian nation remained in the Founders’ Bible on pages 2091-2092:

To me, it seems wrong to elevate Hammond in a study Bible or for any purpose. Senator Hammond was one of the most articulate defenders of slavery as a Christian institution and social good in the pre-Civil War era. Hammond was also a child molester according to his own diaries. And yet the authors of the Founders’ Bible laud him as a non-Christian American leader who is fit to defend their view of America as a Christian nation.

The context for Barton’s use of Hammond is an article titled America: A Christian Nation. In one of the previous posts I provided most of that article. For now, I want to point out again why Hammond made his statement about America as a Christian nation. In September, 1844, Hammond issued a day of thanksgiving proclamation (read the entire proclamation here) that was overtly Christian calling on all citizens to

assemble at their respective places of worship, to offer up their devotions to God their Creator, and his Son Jesus Christ, the Redeemer of the world.

Understandably, the Jewish citizens of South Carolina felt excluded by this proclamation. In the Founders’ Bible, Barton dismisses their concerns by saying “a small group openly censured him and demanded an apology.” Clearly, the Jewish citizens who stood up to Hammond are not the heroes of the Founders’ Bible article. They don’t even deserve mention. Instead, Hammond’s arrogant and hypocritical reply is what merits inclusion in the Founders’ Bible.

Beyond the insensitive inclusion of Hammond in a study Bible as a positive voice, this article raises important questions about what Barton and the publishers of the Founders’ Bible want to promote. I ended an earlier post on this subject by raising similar issues.

Those who are about to publish the Founders’ Bible have reached into history to  bring us face to face with a racist, pro-slavery advocate who used his office to privilege his view of Christianity. His vision was of a Christian nation that included slavery as a blessing and moral good. When the Jewish community understandably felt excluded by the proclamation, he disregarded their call for a pluralistic response.

Is this the kind of government the publishers of the Founders Bible wish for the nation?

There are other historical problems with the Founders’ Bible which will come to light over the coming weeks.

I invite you to read the former posts:

Founders’ Bible Cites Pro-Slavery Leader as Proponent of America as a Christian Nation

Founders’ Bible Cites Pro-Slavery Leader as Proponent of America as a Christian Nation, Part Two

See also: Founders’ Bible Rewrites Exodus 18 to Fit Christian Nation Narrative


David Barton: Christian Illusionist?

This post comes by way of John Fea’s blog. Although Fea wrote about it last week, there is still something fresh here. Fea cited John Wilsey who teaches history and theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Wilsey heard David Barton speak at a church in Brazoria, TX and filed a report on the experience.

Wilsey calls Barton a Christian illusionist. Although generally critical, he says Barton is a walking encyclopedia. Wilsey’s assessment of Barton speech:

The really disturbing aspect of the presentation is that Barton is a manipulator of Christian folks who sincerely love their country. He goes in front of Bible believing people who, for the most part, do not spend all their time thinking about the American founding but who do want to believe that America’s heritage is exclusively Protestant. He goes with data mined from the historical record that will suit his particular cultural agenda. He presents that data with no explanation of context. He gives no credit to any other sources that are not explicitly evangelical.

Early in Wilsey’s report, I think he gives Barton too much credit. Calling him a walking encyclopedia implies that Barton is actually providing facts when he speaks. Of course, some of what Barton says is true, but he often weaves facts together with legend to create a false picture. Thus, when he is motoring through his speech, failing to even finish some words before he starts the next, he is not getting it right, even as he says some true things.

The term Christian illusionist is troubling. I think if you simply take the term Christian as a category, I understand what Wilsey is saying. Barton is after all not a Hindu illusionist. However, there is something wrong about Christians creating illusions as if they were reality. Another word besides illusionist might be more descriptive.

There is a market for Christian illusionists. The response to The Jefferson Lies being pulled and the exposure of Barton’s historical illusions has been disappointing. Initially some Christian groups came out with admissions and apologies that they had been fooled by the illusionist. However, even many of those articles lacked a prophetic call for truth. Christian leaders who should know better are sitting silent, knowing the illusion is taking place but failing to do more to stop it.  Meanwhile, thousands, probably millions, are deceived.

For a good book that debunks Barton’s illusions about Thomas Jefferson, go here.

Thank yous

From the care I received at Grove City Medical Center’s Emergency Room to the heart care and recovery at Butler (PA) Health System, I have a lot of people to thank for my current positive recovery from open heart surgery.

Small town ERs sometimes get criticism but, in my case, the GCMC team performed extremely well. Then, my primary care physician and friend Ed Smith bypassed the  oft-recommended stress test and went right to the heart catheterization. I was then transferred to Butler Health Systems for that procedure. Dr. Sunder Rao performed the test and found three blockages of 80-90%. There is no fixing such a problem other than triple bypass surgery. The surgical team of Dr. Antonio Sortino did the procedure. I am now being followed by Dr. Samer Azouz’s who has a well earned reputation as a fine cardiologist.  The care I received at the Butler hospital was outstanding. I am thankful for all of these physicians, nurses, therapists, aides, etc.

There is more commentary I could make on health care in the U.S. but I will save that for later. I still need some distance and time to reflect on the situation.  It has only been two weeks since the ordeal began.

I am so indebted to my friends and family. If I can do it, I want to write something more about my family in a future post. I will just say that I have been thinking a lot about what the term “pro-family” means. As I look at my family, I can’t think of a bunch who is more pro-family than the Throckmorton clan, even though some of us would not be considered pro-family by culture warriors.

And again to those who read about my situation, thanks for your prayers and good thoughts.

Latest Update FROM Warren

This update is from Warren:

Thanks to everyone who has been praying for me. Please don’t stop, I still have to mend over the next several weeks. Less than a week ago my life changed dramatically, going from leading a worship service to open heart surgery and now back home. Thanks to my wife Debbie Throckmorton for getting me through it; thanks to my children for inspiring and supporting me and thanks for so many amazing friends for praying and helping in various ways. God has given me more time here and I thank Him for it.

I might be back with a post this week and I might start blogging about recovery from triple bypass…