Latest Update FROM Warren

This update is from Warren:

Thanks to everyone who has been praying for me. Please don’t stop, I still have to mend over the next several weeks. Less than a week ago my life changed dramatically, going from leading a worship service to open heart surgery and now back home. Thanks to my wife Debbie Throckmorton for getting me through it; thanks to my children for inspiring and supporting me and thanks for so many amazing friends for praying and helping in various ways. God has given me more time here and I thank Him for it.

I might be back with a post this week and I might start blogging about recovery from triple bypass…

18 thoughts on “Latest Update FROM Warren”

  1. Great news, Warren. Certainly I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. Recuperate knowing your Blog friends are cheering you on!

  2. Great news, Warren. Certainly I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. Recuperate knowing your Blog friends are cheering you on!

  3. Prayers continue! With Jesus’s help, may you get stronger and more whole w/ each new day…

  4. Good to hear from you. Looking forward to more of the same good you have always done.

  5. Thank God you are on the mend! Don’t worry, you and your family are still in my prayers. Like someone said when we all found out, “God isn’t done with you yet.” Now you need some Jewish penicillin aka chicken soup. Keep us posted! God Bless.

  6. Thank God you are on the mend! Don’t worry, you and your family are still in my prayers. Like someone said when we all found out, “God isn’t done with you yet.” Now you need some Jewish penicillin aka chicken soup. Keep us posted! God Bless.

  7. Great to hear you are recovering well. All the best to you and your family.

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