Institute on the Constitution: R. L. Dabney on Civil Government and Civil Rights

I have been making the case that the Institute on the Constitution defends the Confederate view of the Constitution more so than the American view that has evolved since the founding. This post provides another support for my case. Who one reveres and cites as an authority and who one rejects and denigrates can give some insight. In the case of the IOTC, it is very clear from their website that they believe Abraham Lincoln was a scoundrel and Confederate leaders and thinkers were heroes. On Lincoln, see these articles (here and here).
On the other hand, IOTC exalts R.L. Dabney. Dabney was a Presbyterian minister who fought for the South in the Civil War and was considered to be one of the leading theologians of the day. Dabney promoted the concept of a Christian nation and defended slavery before and after the Civil War. Dabney is cited frequently on the IOTC website. In fact, they cite him favorably in their mission statement.
Dabney is used as a source for IOTC teaching. His treatise on civil government is cited as a reading in their lesson on civil law and the civil magistrate. In this section, Dabney makes a case against the view of government as a social contract and instead proposes biblical law as a basis (as does IOTC). Later in this excerpt, Dabney defends slavery and diminished civil rights for blacks and women:

Men have by nature, a general equality in this; not a specific one. Hence, the general equality of nature will by no means produce a literal and universal equality of civil condition; for the simple reason that the different classes of citizens have very different specific rights; and this grows out of their differences of sex, virtue, intelligence, civilization, etc., and the demands of the common welfare. Thus, if the low grade of intelligence, virtue and civilization of the African in America, disqualified him for being his own guardian, and if his own true welfare (taking the “general run” of cases) and that of the community, would be plainly marred by this freedom; then the law decided correctly, that the African here has no natural right to his self–control, as to his own labour and locomotion. Hence, his natural liberty is only that which remains after that privilege is retrenched. Still he has natural rights, (to marriage, to a livelihood from his own labour, to the Sabbath, and to the service of God, and immortality, etc., &c). Freedom to enjoy all these constitutes his natural liberty, and if the laws violate any of it causelessly, they are unjust.

According to Dabney, a African in America had certain rights but not rights to be “his own guardian.” Elsewhere in his writings, Dabney referred to the righteousness of slavery and to abolitionists as infidels.
While I am not giving an opinion about what IOTC believes about Southern slavery, I am noting that their heroes promote a view of civil government that did not prevail beyond the 1860s. As articulated by the Declaration, Lincoln, and the Constitution as amended, America is dedicated to the proposition that all are created equal before the law; the Confederate view was not dedicated to that proposition.

League of the South to Protest Southern Demographic Displacement in TN

After 40-50 protesters showed up in tiny Uvalda, GA this past weekend, the League of the South is making plans for a more ambitious protest in Murfreesboro, TN in October.
The League’s objective is to create a “resistance movement in the South working toward the goal of a free and independent Southern homeland.” The belief among League leaders is that the federal government is deliberately displacing white Southerners in order to wipe out resistance to federal power. The clunky slogan, “It’s wrong to replace us” represents this belief. League president Michael Hill said it this way:

Every people must have a homeland, and this is ours. Throughout history, men have challenged each other for territory. Just because we live in what is called the “modern” world does not mean that the forces of history have been rendered inoperable. If you think so, you have not noticed that a Reconquista is taking place before our very eyes. Millions of Hispanics, Mestizos really, are reclaiming land for themselves and their progeny. How is this different, say, from any other aggressive migration in history? That’s right—it isn’t, except perhaps for the fact that it is being encouraged by the government that claims control over the invaded lands. Washington, DC, is bringing in a new, more compliant population from the Third World to overwhelm and replace us.

Murfreesboro has been the scene of protests before largely focusing on the Muslim population. Protesters in the past have expressed their resistance to the influx of Muslims into the region with the associated building of mosques. Those protesters waved American and Israeli flags. According to Hunter Wallace, a white nationalist and League member, the protest in TN is not about preserving Israel or America:

Needless to say, the League won’t be singing “God Bless America,” or waving the US flag and Israeli flag in combination.

According to Wallace, the League is getting off the web and into the streets. Some might scoff at this and point out that any movement for secession which aims for a white homeland is a non-starter. However, as I keep pointing out, the League now has as a board member Michael Peroutka, who has been making significant headway in the mainstream evangelical world (e.g., National Religious Broadcasters and Liberty University).  According to Mr. Peroutka, his Constitution course is designed to help create sentiment favorable to Southern secession.  I wonder if it is working.

Martin Luther King's Dream and the Declaration of Independence

My colleague Michael Coulter penned an op-ed in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have a Dream speech. It has been picked up by several newspapers; here is an excerpt with link to the Maysville (KY) Ledger Independent:

Aug. 28 marks the 50th anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington. Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech at that great rally is rightly honored as one of the greatest speeches in American history.
All Americans recognize the soaring rhetoric of the final portion of the speech, where King speaks of a dream of an America without legal discrimination or racial prejudice. But the first part of that speech, wherein King speaks of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, is not as well-known but deserves to be. That portion demonstrates King’s commitment to the conception of justice held at the American founding.
In the third paragraph of King’s text, he says that “when the architects of our Great Republic wrote the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they were signing a promissory note to which every American was to fall heir.” With this reference to the declaration, there is a clear echo of that other great American speech from 100 years before King’s March on Washington speech: Lincoln’s Gettysburg address, which speaks of America as “dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”

Read the rest here…

Free at Last – DC Talk

The 50th anniversary of the March of Washington for Jobs and Freedom is being commemorated this weekend through August 28. The march took place on August 28, 1963. Free At Last by DC Talk (from one my favorite all-time CDs) samples Martin Luther King Jr.’s I Have a Dream Speech (which I will post on Wednesday).

DC Talk members Toby Mac, Kevin Max and Michael Tait attended Liberty University. How sad it is that Liberty University is hosting the Institute on the Constitution’s course on their television network.