Is the world about to end?

Preachers gonna preach. Greg Laurie, who is probably a really nice guy, told his congregation that the 2nd coming is coming sooner than later. He thinks so due to… …the dramatic escalation of global wars and terrorism, the push for unity or globalism, the change in world economics toward a cashless society, the unprecedented increase … Continue reading “Is the world about to end?”

Kenyan Prime Minister calls for arrests of gays

According to this report, Kenya’s Prime Minister Raila Odinga said on Sunday that homosexuals should be arrested. Mr Odinga on Sunday said that police should arrest anyone found engaging in such behaviours and take appropriate legal action against them. “We will not tolerate such behaviours in the country. The constitution is very clear on this … Continue reading “Kenyan Prime Minister calls for arrests of gays”

Ladies Home Journal on anti-gay bullying

The 9th largest monthly magazine, Ladies Home Journal, has an article out on newstands today which addresses anti-gay bullying. The article by Kenneth Miller is titled, “Gay Teens Bullied to the Point of Suicide” but covers the entire topic of anti-gay bias and religious tolerance. The subtitle, “It’s a shocking trend. Isn’t it time for all of … Continue reading “Ladies Home Journal on anti-gay bullying”

Bahati says Anti-Homosexuality Bill has not been shelved (VIDEO)

David Bahati finally speaks. He had been contacted by several media sources asking about the AHB. Kampala, Uganda (CNN) — The member of the Ugandan Parliament behind a controversial “anti-gay” bill that would call for stiff penalties against homosexuality — including life imprisonment and the death penalty — says that the bill will become law … Continue reading “Bahati says Anti-Homosexuality Bill has not been shelved (VIDEO)”

Martin Ssempa’s campus group dropped from AIDS grant in 2007

 Back in June, I posted several articles which described events in 2007 which were prologue to the introduction of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill. One August, 2007 article described an anti-gay rally organized by Martin Ssempa and his views on gays and AIDS programs: “Homosexuals should absolutely not be included in Uganda’s HIV/AIDS framework. It is a … Continue reading “Martin Ssempa’s campus group dropped from AIDS grant in 2007”