Bullied student takes his life

Greensburg, Indiana is the scene of another suicide involving anti-gay harassment.   In contrast to some advice givers, I would say Greensburg schools need to talk about sexual orientation related harassment in their schools. Tonight my local school district rolls out a bullying prevention program. I am on the committee charged with making it work and I … Continue reading “Bullied student takes his life”

Today in history: George Washington on religious freedom

To Bigotry No Sanction, to Persecution No Assistance… -George Washington On August 17, 1790, President George Washington wrote a letter to Moses Seixas and the Jewish congregation of Newport, RI. Washington did so in response to a letter sent by the group when Washington visited their city. The account is on the Library of Congress … Continue reading “Today in history: George Washington on religious freedom”

Willow Creek Association: A really big tent

Researching the relationship between Canyon Ridge Christian Church and the Willow Creek Association, I corresponded briefly with WCA’s Executive Vice President, Steve Bell. I reported the initial statement provided by Mr. Bell regarding their relationship with Canyon Ridge in Salon on July 2: The 10,000 churches that belong to Willow Creek Association are aligned by their … Continue reading “Willow Creek Association: A really big tent”

Canyon Ridge Christian Church hosts National HIV Testing Day

Canyon Ridge Christian Church (Las Vegas) is one of the host locations for the National HIV Testing Day on June 27, 2010. Because of Canyon Ridge Christian Church’s commitment to “be a show of compassion” to our community and an instrumental force in preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS, we will be offering FREE HIV testing from 10 … Continue reading “Canyon Ridge Christian Church hosts National HIV Testing Day”

Scott Lively goes on offense

Perhaps in preparation for the upcoming Current TV documentary on Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill, Scott Lively is going on offense. In a May 22nd email to supporters, Lively wrote: Friends,   I’m looking for a good Christian media source to interview me on film on the Uganda issue for posting online.  I intend to get off defense … Continue reading “Scott Lively goes on offense”