This Popular Quote — A Private Faith That Does Not Act — Is about William Wilberforce Not by Him

When I first read it, it occurred to me that there was something not quite right about the tweet below: “A private faith that does not act in the face of oppression is no faith at all.”#WilliamWilberforce — Colin Bloom (@Colin_Bloom) January 5, 2017 Eric Metaxas, who wrote a biography about Wilberforce, retweeted the … Continue reading “This Popular Quote — A Private Faith That Does Not Act — Is about William Wilberforce Not by Him”

Ecclesia College Benefited from Arkansas Bribery Scheme

UPDATE: Ecclesia College president Oren Paris III tonight issued a statement denying any wrongdoing in this case. A news report out of Arkansas sounds ominous for some of the blog’s favorite people. Ecclesia College received $200,000 from an Arkansas government agency to build a building on campus. According to the report a sitting State Representative … Continue reading “Ecclesia College Benefited from Arkansas Bribery Scheme”

Update on a Spurious Bonhoeffer Quote: Not to Speak is to Speak, Not to Act is to Act

In late August, I published an examination of a popular quote commonly but incorrectly attributed to Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. The quote cannot be found in Bonhoeffer’s writings and no … Continue reading “Update on a Spurious Bonhoeffer Quote: Not to Speak is to Speak, Not to Act is to Act”

John MacArthur Isn't and Is Voting for Donald Trump

I have been told The Master’s College president John MacArthur announced from the pulpit this morning that he will vote for Donald Trump. In this The Master’s College video (see also a description of the entire panel discussion), MacArthur says, “I am not voting for Donald Trump, I am voting for a worldview.” I don’t … Continue reading “John MacArthur Isn't and Is Voting for Donald Trump”

Voting for an Independent Candidate Is an Acceptable Option

Recently, several big name Christian leaders have made a case that a vote for a third party/independent candidate is a waste of a Christian’s vote and will only serve to elect Hillary Clinton. Dire warnings and shaming accompany these appeals. Here are several reasons I disagree and believe that voting for an independent or minor … Continue reading “Voting for an Independent Candidate Is an Acceptable Option”