Donald Trump's Campaign Manager Whipping Up Hysteria Over Voting Machines (UPDATED)

This tweet from Kellyanne Conway is highly irresponsible and may serve to gum up the works at polls around the country. Here is what she tweeted (by the way Eric Metaxas retweeted this – see below). Woman Tried to Vote Straight GOP Ticket, But Machine Showed Hillary Clinton | — Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) October … Continue reading “Donald Trump's Campaign Manager Whipping Up Hysteria Over Voting Machines (UPDATED)”

Some Questions about Victor Davis Hanson's Case for Trump

A week ago at National Review Online, Victor Davis Hanson made a case that conservatives should vote for Donald Trump. Hanson is clearly my better when it comes to scholarship, but I wasn’t convinced by his essay. Provoked by his article, I have some questions for anyone who wants to defend the case for Trump … Continue reading “Some Questions about Victor Davis Hanson's Case for Trump”

Let's Say No to God Mandated Voting (UPDATED)

Eric Metaxas has run into some opposition to his efforts to make God into a vote monitor. Last Wednesday he posted an op-ed in the WSJ which brought God to his side. Then this week, he has been tweeting up a storm about it (He deleted the first one sometime early on 10/18). Evan McMullin … Continue reading “Let's Say No to God Mandated Voting (UPDATED)”

Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Rush on Electing God's Man

Yesterday, Eric Metaxas referred his dwindling Twitter followers to read an article comparing Donald Trump with Samson. Roughly, the narrative casts imperfect Trump as a modern day imperfect Samson from the Old Testament. According to the article, we should accept Trump as an imperfect man God can use in the same way God used Samson. … Continue reading “Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Rush on Electing God's Man”

Some Evangelicals Turn Away from Trump, Some Remain, Some Haven't Spoken

The fall out continues from the audio of Donald Trump claiming to use his celebrity status to assault women. While some evangelical Trump supporters have remained on the Trump train, at least two prominent ones have jumped off. At least one prominent Trump supporting evangelical has stayed quiet. UPDATE: Christianity Today’s Andy Crouch produced a … Continue reading “Some Evangelicals Turn Away from Trump, Some Remain, Some Haven't Spoken”