Will Evangelicals Stand By Their Man?

Update: Trump just now posted an apology video, if you can call it that. In it he goes on the attack and shows no sign of stepping down. Update: Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) calls on Trump to drop out. Alan Noble started a petition aimed at the RNC to fire Trump. …………………. The October surprise … Continue reading “Will Evangelicals Stand By Their Man?”

A New Argument for the Existence of God!

Christian apologetics – 2016 Tim Tebow's HR in his first pro at-bat is just God's way of messing w/atheists's heads –making them wonder: "Yikes! What if He DOES exist?" — Eric Metaxas (@ericmetaxas) September 28, 2016 Atheists trembled until Tebow went hitless in his next 5 at-bats. Another promising argument spoiled by the rest of … Continue reading “A New Argument for the Existence of God!”

Sometimes David Barton’s Website is a Good Answer to David Barton

Yesterday, GOP activist David Barton delivered a speech to the Dallas Eagle Forum.  In it, he said that Christian have a responsibility to vote for Donald Trump (see the Right Wing Watch segment).  Barton is now downplaying Trump’s failings by saying the character of the leaders is not important, the person’s policies are what is important. … Continue reading “Sometimes David Barton’s Website is a Good Answer to David Barton”

Todd Starnes: You Did Not Paraphrase Dietrich Bonhoeffer When You Said Not to Vote is to Vote

Fox News columnist and pundit Todd Starnes is the latest religious right figure to claim Bonhoeffer said Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act. In his speech to the Values Voter Summit yesterday, Starnes misattributed this … Continue reading “Todd Starnes: You Did Not Paraphrase Dietrich Bonhoeffer When You Said Not to Vote is to Vote”

Open Letter to the Bartons from a Christian Historian

Writing at the Pietist Schoolman blog, Grace College history professor Jared Burkholder penned an open letter to Tim and David Barton in response to the Bartons’ claim that Christian historians don’t rely on primary sources (see these links for more on the Bartons’ claim). The letter begins: Dear David (and now Tim) Barton, Maybe you … Continue reading “Open Letter to the Bartons from a Christian Historian”