Abomination: Homosexuality and the Ex-gay Movement

I just finished watching the new DVD, Abomination: Homosexuality and the Ex-gay Movement, created by the Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists. The DVD features three ex-ex-gay people and a mother of a young woman who committed suicide, with the implication that the suicide was directly due to her ex-gay involvement. The video intermingled footage … Continue reading “Abomination: Homosexuality and the Ex-gay Movement”

Montel Williams Show to again focus on sexual orientation

Tomorrow Alan Chambers joins a guest panel to discuss homosexuality on the The Montel Williams Show. The show will also feature Tom and Donna Cole, former homosexuals who have a ministry to Christians struggling with sexual and relational issues. I am pretty sure Richard Cohen may have some role on the program. This comes from … Continue reading “Montel Williams Show to again focus on sexual orientation”

People magazine on Ted Haggard and reparative therapy

The February 26 issue of People magazine has a story on Ted Haggard and reparative therapy. The article references the comments or views of Rev. Haggard, his overseers, Richard Cohen, Joe Nicolosi, Bob Spitzer, Jack Drescher, Peterson Toscano, and Dan Gonzales. As with most pieces on the subject, this one oversimplifies the intersection of faith … Continue reading “People magazine on Ted Haggard and reparative therapy”

Year in review – Top ten stories from 2006

As much for my own reference and recollection as anything else, I compiled this top ten list of stories from 2006. Since I am the only voter, the list is subjective and regular readers might arrange them differently or think I should have included another story over one of these. I am interested to hear … Continue reading “Year in review – Top ten stories from 2006”

Top ten posts, by number of comments, 2006

I am working on a post summarizing the highlights for the year and in so doing reviewed the number of comments each post received. And here they are: Top ten posts with number of comments in parentheses: 1. Alan Colmes radio show: Wayne Besen vs. Richard Cohen (76) 2. Ex-ex-gay? (53) 3. Big day at … Continue reading “Top ten posts, by number of comments, 2006”