Australian TV documentary: “Gay Conversion”

I blogged about the Australian Broadcasting Corporation radio program regarding ex-gay programs on August 22. The 20 minute video is now available on the ABC news website. The documentary features much more than the radio interview, although the radio interview has some material not in the video. Click here for the broadband streaming video. The … Continue reading “Australian TV documentary: “Gay Conversion””

American Family Radio Two Part series on PFOX

Today, American Family Radio is broadcasting Part One of a two part series regarding the recent issues with PFOX and Richard Cohen’s appearance on CNN. I think to be fair, tomorrow’s segment will give Richard a chance to reply. UPDATE: Part 2 of the PFOX/Cohen story came are here and here today. UPDATE #2 – … Continue reading “American Family Radio Two Part series on PFOX”

Bioenergetics and other explanations

I have been meaning to blog a bit more about bioenergetics. I wanted to comment about my belief that clients who engage in this techniques do feel better and may even stay better. I was going to talk about how different theoretical perspectives all have success stories and many have limited data showing successful outcomes. … Continue reading “Bioenergetics and other explanations”