Are Conservatives Rethinking David Barton?

Reacting to the news that David Barton had been appointed to head up the Ted Cruz supporting Keep the Promise Super PACs, Messiah College historian John Fea wrote this:

Recently I have been in conversation with some Christian conservatives who have decades of experience as Christian Right insiders.  These Christians are growing more and more concerned about Barton’s views of the American past and are worried that they have been sold a bill of goods when it comes to their understanding of the American founding.  Stay tuned.

Several months ago, I heard similar rumblings but then Barton started appearing at various conservative events and now he is picked to run the Cruz PACs. So it is hard to tell which conservatives are feeling they have been “sold a bill of goods.”
And the “bill of goods” isn’t just about “America’s founding.” It is about HIV/AIDS, PTSD, crime rates, Obama’s record on prosecuting child porn, Obama’s Thanksgiving proclamations, and Barton’s own NCAA basketball career.
Staying tuned. In fact, I’ve been tuned for about three years. Not sure what is taking so long.
Paul Harvey today seemed to rejoin the fray. That’s good.

Ted Cruz Asks: When Have You Bled for Conservative Wedge Issues? Do You Have Clinton Fatigue?

Thanks to David Barton, a lot more people will now be watching what Ted Cruz donors are saying via the Keep the Promise Super PACs.
Just today, Keep the Promise One dropped an ad on You Tube. Cruz gets passionate about gun rights, the Iran deal, Obamacare, and immigration.
How can you tell a true conservative? Apparently, they have bled for conservative principles.
Sounds frightening.
The Keep the Promise plan for Cruz to win proposes that Cruz will do better among Hispanic voters than Romney did, but that he also needs to do better among married whites over 40. Given that Hispanics tend to favor Obama’s executive orders on amnesty more than white voters, it seems Keep the Promise has decided which way to wedge, at least at this point in the process.
The Super PAC also dropped an ad aimed at Iowa:
Really? Cruz, a career politician is grouchy about career politicians?
And then there is this “ad” which coins a new diagnosis – Clinton fatigue.
I’ve seen dumber things, but not today.

PAC Backing Ted Cruz Bashes Romney; Pushes Wedge Issues to Bring Out White Voters

The PAC backing Ted Cruz calls Mitt Romney a “terrible candidate” and believes Cruz will be able to turn his Cuban heritage into Hispanic votes if he wins the GOP presidential nomination. In a report titled, “Can He Win?” the PAC now headed by David Barton is sharply critical of Mitt Romney and his campaign for the presidency. CNN posted a link to a slide show with the same content back in July, but that link now is dead.
The report repeatedly tells readers, “In 2012 a terrible candidate with a terrible campaign almost won” and then refers to Romney’s performance among African-Americans and Hispanics. Here is the Colorado analysis:
Given Cruz’s Christian nation positions and the addition of very un-Libertarian Barton as head of the Keep the Promise PAC, my opinion is that this is wishful thinking.
A big part of the Keep the Promise strategy is to use wedge issues to get white voters to stay in the GOP fold.
Cruz GOP Must
What will bring out the white voters? According to Keep the Promise, Common Core, Immigration, Future not Past, National Security and Foreign Money. Honestly, I am not sure how Cruz is going to drive up white and Hispanic vote at the same time if his wedge issue is immigration.
Readers, do you think this PAC will bring home a Cruz victory?

Ted Cruz Speaks At David Barton's Legislative Conference

The Keep the Promise Super PAC now being run by David Barton is not supposed to collaborate with Ted Cruz or his campaign. Thus, Cruz can’t be criticized directly for the fact that the PACs supporting him named Barton as the head of day to day operations. However, Cruz can be criticized for lending his credibility to Barton’s work when he speaks at Barton’s pastors briefing. Cue Alan Noble’s article on how to revitalize young conservatives.

These events will now be scrutinized very carefully.

David Barton's New Project: What is Keep the Promise Super PAC?

Bloomberg broke the story today that David Barton has been appointed to lead the umbrella Super PAC Keep the Promise. The PAC supports Ted Cruz but is structured in a curious manner. There are actually several PACs which supported Cruz, four of which named Keep the Promise. It is not completely clear to me that Barton will lead all of them.
In any event, what is known about the KtP family of Super PACs?
Ballotpedia appears to be a good source of information about them. Some highlights of that entry (which you should read) are:

  • Oil, gas and fracking interests figure prominently in the donor base. A combined $25 million went into the family of PACs from people who have interests in those sectors.
  • One of the PACs gave $500k to a Super PAC which benefits Carly Fiorina.
  • Only 10 people are reported as giving money to these PACs. A very small group of people are providing Cruz with immense support.
  • One of the fracking donors is Farris Wilks who also pastors a church in Cisco, TX.

The FEC filing for the KtP PAC is here.
Want to donate? Here’s the pitch.
The Wilks brothers sound like they have attended a David Barton seminar. They are wasting their money preaching to the choir. People outside the bubble don’t buy it. They also run a church called Assembly of Yahweh which sounds like a 7th Day Adventist style church.
The amount of money to be spent in this election cycle is staggering and discouraging. So much will be spent and so little will be accomplished.