Is there a gay agenda?

Regular visitors will know that I am not all into the agenda stuff but I was sent an article from World Net Daily that quoted references from After the Ball. I have not read that book although I have been referred to it many times. Many visitors here are critical of my work and viewpoints and I suspect of this article as well. And so I hope we won’t rehash that a ton. My question for anyone who wants to address it is: is this guy wrong about his reading of After the Ball? I have been told that there is no agenda that started with the gay liberation movement. A related thing that I have mulling over is an issue that is also being discussed at the ex-gay watch blog. Are gays more promiscuous than straights? I don’t like questions like that because it implies that gays and straights are groups of people like Koreans or Uzbeks (a people group to quote missionary talk). And if gays are more promiscuous then how come? Is sociosexuality a trait that runs through all people and for some reason more happen to be gay?

Religion reason for Miers pick?

This is getting a little surreal. Today President Bush said part of why he picked Harriet Miers is her religious beliefs. I opined just hours ago that her confirmation was pretty certain unless she says out loud she will vote to overturn Roe. Well, if this keeps up, we may be in for a train wreck in the hearings. “Miss Miers how do you religious beliefs figure into your views of abortion?” and so on…

I will wait to read more from other sources given that this is reported by Nedra Pickler. According to the report, Bush said: “People are interested to know why I picked Harriet Miers,” Bush told reporters at the White House. “Part of Harriet Miers’ life is her religion.” I would like to see the context.

James Dobson reveals what he knows about Harriet Miers

Well, at least he reveals that he knows some folks who took themselves out of consideration for the Supreme Court. I am not sure that conservatives will be mollified much. It also makes Miers look like she was on the list but not first choice. Oh well, it is all fun to fuss about but it matters little; Bush has made his choice and he will stick with it. I do not see a scenario that has her being Borked. Unless of course she says she made a deal on Roe.

Seventeen magazine backs off major story

Seventeen magazine has a brief story this month with the title, “Can gays go straight?” No one has ever accused Seventeen of containing serious journalism, although I did expect more from Cara Nissman, the author. Saying she was working on a story that would bring in all perspectives, Cara interviewed me by phone while I was at Disney World hiking around the park in 98 degree weather. We talked twice altogether and I spoke with her editor as well. However, the article turned into a page on Wade Richards coming out story with no other perspectives. So add Seventeen to the list of media outlets that tackled the change issue only to lose the wrestling match. When I spoke to the editor, it was clear to me that she was not comfortable with the idea that some people experience change in aspects of sexuality. Perhaps, given the brevity of the article and singular focus on Richards, she didn’t think her readers could handle nuance.