Ugandan coalition supports Rolling Stone Hang Them campaign

This just in from Gay Uganda.

At the Rolling Stone’s day in court yesterday, Pastor Moses Male (you can watch him in action here) declared solidarity with the Rolling Stone’s outing campaign. I have three independent reports that gays were chased away from the court house and one was attacked.

The flyer that Male was distributing is on the right. Click the image to read it.

Male baits GLBT people to make a public stand, but he supports a tabloid which has incited violence against them. Male was one of the ministers, along with Martin Ssempa, who was investigated for making a false report of homosexuality about Rev. Robert Kayanja.

The court extended the ban on outing GLBT people until Friday when the Rolling Stone will present a case.

92 thoughts on “Ugandan coalition supports Rolling Stone Hang Them campaign”

  1. I still insist, Ugandan parliament sitting to discuss homosexuality-a human relations issue, is equal to a village meeting held by pigymies(read batwa)-one of the most primitive tribes,in the forests of Congo, and Western Uganda. Sick homophobics like Martin Sempa, his group of idle friends like David Bahati, Solomon Male, and all the young people that have been misled in their so called church at Makerere are a disgrace!

    This is clearly a hate campaign filled with jealous of those ahead of them, Really are hate crime’ agitators worthy of anyones ear? I wonder whether these people preach in church! Let Sempa gain extra-terestrial powers and find out about his older son, i hope he wont disown him.

  2. The central point is, of course, that the ‘hate campaign’ against LGBT persons in UG is based on lies (or, to put it more politely, ‘opinion’ presented as ‘fact’).


    This is your blog after all. Westerners are shameless hypocrites—always quick to denounce others for not intolerance while they are themselves intolerant.

    It should have read:

    This is your blog after all. Westerners are shameless hypocrites—always quick to denounce others for intolerance while they are themselves intolerant.

    And No!!— I will not provide you with a name. It is not because I am afraid. I am not at all, since my express my views openly over here.

    It should have read:

    And No!!— I will not provide you with a name. It is not because I am afraid. I am not at all, since I express my views openly over here.

  4. Richard – I agree it is tasteless and cowardly to assert such positions under cover, but it is how I have arranged things and up until recently it has served the effort well.

    I am in a dilemma of sorts. Some in the community here want Maazi NCO banned because he consistently makes claims which are either provably false or without evidence. His views on homosexuality are pre-scientific and his attitudes toward gay people frightening. However, they are a window into the thinking of many of his fellows and as such a starting point for us to understand how many Ugandans of faith and no faith see sexuality. And for that reason and others, others in the community do not want to see him (and others proclaiming similar views) banned.

    I want to assure my readers that I am committed to opposition of criminalization of homosexuality and that there is no sense in my mind that we are arguing equivalent views. Understanding the extreme biases demonstrated by some of the commenters is an important means it seems to me to a better end.


    You can do whatever you like. This is your blog after all. Westerners are shameless hypocrites—always quick to denounce others for not intolerance while they are themselves intolerant. Always quick to demand democracy in one nation where they have no vested interests while turning blind eye or propping dictatorships in other nations where they have vested interest in energy, economy, etc.

    No matter what happens thereafter, I am satisfied that I have done my best to represent the views of the overwhelming majority of the Ugandan people. We shall not be intimidated into adopting deviant sexual culture from your western nations. Richard, you will wait for your entire life span and never get to witness gay pride march in Uganda. Neither would you ever come here for exotic same-sex marriage ceremonies or gay adoption events. In Uganda, we are not interested in debating whether we should continue criminalization or decriminalization of gayism. We are only debating the scope and scale of punishment that is appropriate for that particular deviant sexual behaviour—- hence the condemnation of extreme tactics employed by Red Pepper and co and extreme provisions of the original Bahati Bill.

    And No!!— I will not provide you with a name. It is not because I am afraid. I am not at all, since my express my views openly over here. However, I do not wish gay propagandists such as yourself to twist and twist and twist my identity. I do not wish to read the Western newspapers and see euro-american gay lobbyists lie that Pastor Rick Warren is my Godfather and that I am the public relations officer of so-called powerful christian group, The Family (or is it the Addams Family?)

  5. Why should people claim that Ugandans were brainwashed by a bunch of Americans from the United States? Why imply that the Ugandan people are all children incapable of thinking for themselves or are so stupid that when any white person speaks, they simply accept? Why claim that anyone opposed to gayism is somehow under the control of some over-fed pentecostal pastor in the United States? Why is it hard to understand that the Ugandan people—and by extension, most Africans— can never support gayism on cultural and traditional grounds? You guys want my name so that you can spin lies about me being the man friday of Scott Lively or godson of Rick Warren or even the secret chief finnancer of Rolling Stone tabloid. Or perhaps, Jeff Sharlet will write a new book called “In the inner sanctum of Maazi NCO- a story of a rich highly influential homophobe who has all the world’s evangelical pastors and muslim sheiks on speed dial”

  6. Personally, I think that Maazi’s comments fulfill an important function – apart from their comedy value. He states openly what many so-called leaders here say in a more roundabout manner.

    I think your problem is that you think the world revolves round the United States and so, you keep projecting what your hypocritical rightwing politicians say unto the Ugandan people. My viewpoint on gayism is not extreme in the slightest. I do not call for anyone to be killed, but for punishment to fit the (sex) crime. Most Ugandans share that same view.

  7. Richard – I agree it is tasteless and cowardly to assert such positions under cover, but it is how I have arranged things and up until recently it has served the effort well.

    I am in a dilemma of sorts. Some in the community here want Maazi NCO banned because he consistently makes claims which are either provably false or without evidence. His views on homosexuality are pre-scientific and his attitudes toward gay people frightening. However, they are a window into the thinking of many of his fellows and as such a starting point for us to understand how many Ugandans of faith and no faith see sexuality. And for that reason and others, others in the community do not want to see him (and others proclaiming similar views) banned.

    I want to assure my readers that I am committed to opposition of criminalization of homosexuality and that there is no sense in my mind that we are arguing equivalent views. Understanding the extreme biases demonstrated by some of the commenters is an important means it seems to me to a better end.

  8. Forget consensual same-sex relationships. Leave your fellow gay Ugandans alone (or did I mean ‘gay fellow Ugandans’?)!

    Here’s the REAL problem. Come on, matey – get a grip!

    Richard Willmer,

    Uganda has passed torrents of legislation to protect the rights of women. Examples include law that declared rape a capital offence in 1997 and the more recent law that made Female Genital Mutilation a serious offence. The Ugandan people regard all forms of deviant sexual behaviour from prostitution to rape to gayism as societal problems that need a solution. We do not need a British overlord like you to dictate to us what should be our priority. This is 2010 not 1860. Please show some respect—-to yourself !!

  9. Maazi

    I have not ‘advocated gay sex’ on this blog. I have set out arguments against human rights violations.

    You seem obsessed by sex; sex is not the issue in this discussion – this discussion is about truth and treating people fairly.

  10. Naazi

    We’ll just have to agree to differ on his point, I think.

    Are you going to answer properly my question about evidence for so-called ‘recruitment’?

  11. Maazi

    Why don’t you

    1. provide evidence to back your accusations against others?

    2. tell us your real name (noone is threatening you, so it would be prefectly safe to do so)?

  12. Oh … and are you going to say who you really are, or just churn out false accusations from behind a pseudonym?

  13. Warren

    Some people would like us thrown into prison (or worse) for our defence of human rights, but we don’t operate under false names.

    I think that it is ‘tasteless beyond measure’ that ‘Maazi NCO’ (who knows perfectly well that we, his opponents, are totally opposed to violence) makes his accusations under the cover of what one assumes is a false name.

    It is quite different for people like GUg – they are in danger.

    I do, of course, completely respect the rules that you apply to your own blog, and welcome your insistence that all accusations of criminal or supposedly-criminal activity be backed by credible evidence.

  14. Maazi

    Maybe you need to talk to people and find out what they actually think?

  15. You seem obsessed by sex; sex is not the issue in this discussion – this discussion is about truth and treating people fairly.

    I think it is you and your fellow westerners that are obsessed with it; that is why you cannot help interfering in the internal affairs of the Ugandan people. This discussion is not about truth or treating people fairly. It is about resisting western attempts to impose their hedonistic culture on the African people.


    Maybe you need to talk to people and find out what they actually think?

    I think it is you who need to speak to the Ugandan people on this matter. The so-called “intellectuals” if they do exist outside your fantasy world, are not representative of the position of the Ugandan intelligentsia nor are they representative of the wider Ugandan public opinion. Elements of the Intelligentsia may be appalled with the methods employed by the tabloids, but most agree that gayism is a criminal offence. It is as simple as that. Stop deceiving yourself.

  16. Jame

    I can understand Sweetza’s fury, actually.

    The anger and violent speech of people like Male are far far worse, and – furthermore – it seems clear to me that people like Muhame and Male INTEND to incite hatred … which would probably make them criminals here in Britain under ‘hate crime’ laws enacted in 2008.

    Muhame may also have broken UG laws relating to privacy and defamation.

    Many UG intellectuals I know want this whole thing to go away. They also think that it would be best if private sexual acts persuant to informed consent were decrminalised, and the focus of the law be on things like rape, child abuse (the latter, relating to both boys and girls is already covered by Penal Code 129, as amended by the Penal Code [Amendment] Act 2007) and pimping – with equal penalties for ‘homo’ and ‘hetero’ scenarios.

  17. Maazi

    My apologies for misspelling your name. If you were to use your real name, I would certainly treat it, and you, with greater respect.

  18. Obviously, if there is some ‘problem’ with Ssempa’s, it might be better not to discuss it here. After all, this is responsible, and increasingly respected, blog, not the ‘Rolling Rubbish’ or the propaganda ministry of that mythical country called Bahatiland!

  19. Sweetza,

    You sound so angry and violent. I think the issue here is Rolling Stone. I do agree with Richard about this blog. It can’t actually discuss certain things like what you suggested otherwise we would miss out on the fine discussions we’ve been having here. I personally went through that great university and would appreciate the work Ssempa did among those young people. Atleast you can’t deny him that. I don’t know about Male, Buturo, Bahati and the likes.

    Secondly comparing the Parliamentary discussions to the Batwa meeting is childish. I trust this to be a blog where mature discussions are held. Fortunately I was in court today and never saw Ssempa or Buturo. I only saw one called Male. And for your information there are few intellectuals in UG who agree with the way Rolling Stone is doing things. I do not support that and I am sure you too don’t.

  20. Many UG intellectuals I know want this whole thing to go away.

    Richard Willmer,

    You are an incredible fantasist, but please continue your entertainment. It seems you can no longer distinguish between your dreams and the reality on the ground.

    If the ‘Rolling Stone’ is allowed to publish false accusations, then this will badly hurt the (good) relationship between UG and the UK.

    If this were accurate then it would be first in the history of the world, where diplomatic relations between two nations are strained because of a depraved sexual act. I think Guinness Book of Records should be on hand to record that epoch-making event, should it ever materialize.

  21. Maazi – While I do not need you to supply your identity (I have made a decision to allow anonymous commenters here), I do ask that you supply evidence for your claims of recruitment.

    There are pedophiles of course in every society who have same and opposite sex preferences. When they offend, these people are already addressed by Uganda’s laws. However, you provide no evidence of a concerted effort by gays as a movement to recruit youth.

  22. it seems clear to me that people like Muhame and Male INTEND to incite hatred … which would probably make them criminals here in Britain under ‘hate crime’ laws enacted in 2008.

    Well in Uganda, our own laws will make gay sex advocates like yourself a criminal. Fair point !!



    P. O. Box 11902 Kampala, Uganda

    26th November 2010

    Press release


    Since the introduction of the much controversial anti homosexuality bill, 2009, homosexuals worldwide have condemned Uganda for witch hunting homosexuals. When the Rolling Stone weekly started publishing their pictures already posted on the internet and appearing in various media, they made noise and sued it. And now foreign media and homosexuals are here to advance their cause, blackmailing our government, misinforming the world about the situation on the ground.

    We had always respected foreign media as accurate but now realize that it is prone to manipulation and abuse. What has featured are lies fed to the world which we want to clear as follows:

    1. Persecuting homosexuals: It is wrong and totally unfounded to make such a claim and publish it in any form. Let all those claiming persecution adduce empirical evidence to the effect. I, Pr Martin Sempa and others in our team have on many occasions debated with homosexuals at public forums, even before the media and in the presence of the Police, intelligence and other agencies. None of the homos has ever been harassed. Where on earth do they get such brutalization? I need to assure the world as follows:

    • No homosexual has been persecuted. Our campaign focuses on criminals who target little children below the 18 year age of consent, especially children in schools. For those who have chosen to take that sexual route, we call upon to quit.

    • No homosexual has been raped, abused or killed by mobs because of hatred. In fact, many relatives of homosexuals have bleeding hearts that their loved ones are indulging.

    • We have parents of homosexuals who have been mistreated by homosexuals.

    • On the contrary, we have homosexuals using state machinery to harass their victims and the good Samaritans. This has happened in the Pr Kitaka, Pr Kiwewesi, Pr Kayanja and other homo cases.

    • Where victims have come up to report, they have been persecuted, framed and arrested, or their offenders have been alerted to take pre-emptive action, or even to flee.

    Therefore, blacklisting homos is not bad since even in countries like the USA, Britain, Netherlands, etc wanted criminals are listed even if they haven’t harmed anyone. In Uganda, homosexuality is an offense against the order of nature. People ought to know who these homosexuals are lest they took advantage of little children. I doubt there is a country that can entertain criminals on its territory.

    2. Homosexuals are indeed satisfying their homosexuality urge on under-age children who cannot consent to the act. Where on earth can such be tolerated? Isn’t the Catholic Church worldwide in trouble because of such acts by it priests? Claiming that pedophilia is different from homosexuality is just an attempt to mislead the public away from the issue. When a man always sodomizes minors, and is regarded as a pedophile, it doesn’t remove the fact that the action qualifies him / her for a homosexual.

    3. We demand that Juliet Mukasa (Victor Mukasa) tells the world in which ‘American-style Pentecostal’ church she was striped naked by a pastor and his male assistants during a deliverance prayer session at the alter, then carried into a room, locked up and gang raped for a week, as she told Jeff Sharlet and the story featured in Harpers Magazine, Sept 2010. See excerpts attached.

    Her story is a lie intended to win sympathy of rich homosexuals to give her money and other opportunities.

    Just like for Victor Mukasa, homosexuality is a business and lucrative job for many homosexual activists living in Uganda where economic opportunities are few and highly competitive. It also gives many opportunities to hook up with rich homosexuals worldwide who can help them to get the almost impossible Western Visas. To beat the odds therefore, many people fake up all sorts of stories and it doesn’t matter even if they tarnish the image of their country.

    To reverse such a scenario:

    • Let Western governments remove stringent visa requirements for Ugandans and see if many people will still call themselves homosexuals.

    • Let people be financially empowered to be able to meet their financial needs.

    4. It is wrong to claim that I, Pr Sempa, Kyazze and Kaira were investigated for accusing Pr Kayanja Robert of homosexuality. It is not us who accused him. It is the young men who accused him of sodomizing them and the Police killed their cases and wrongly turned against us and them, detaining some. But they have not accused any of us in that matter. They simply framed up Pr Kyazze and Kaira. We will win that case.

    Finally, we appeal to all Ugandan and international homosexual communities and their sympathizers in the media to stop deceiving the world about the situation on the ground.

    In NCAHSAU, we must continue to stand for the voiceless children taken advantage of during their times of need and later harassed by homosexuals no matter what it costs.

    For God and our country.

    Pr Moses Solomon Male – Leader

    Tel 256-772-479386 / 256-702-196511 [email protected]

    Excerpts from Jeff Sharlet’s article, STRAIGHT MAN’S BURDEN

    The American roots of Uganda’s anti-gay persecutions

    That featured in Harpers Magazine of September 2010

    Juliet Mukasa raped in a Pentecostal Church

    “Like Blessed, Juliet Mukasa knew as a child that she was attracted to childrenof the same sex. And like Blessed she’d been raised Catholic but had joined an American-style Pentecostal church, hoping that in the music and the dancing and the Holy Ghost—the ecstasy— she would fi nd the resolution of her desires. But Juliet Mukasa was not as skilled as Blessed at leading two lives. Dressed like a girl, she couldn’t think. A pastor determined that she was possessed by a “male spirit” and asked his fl ock to help

    him heal her. As women in the pews swayed and sang for Mukasa’s liberation, the exorcism took place at the altar, boys and men from the church laying on hands and speaking in tongues. They took her arms, gently then firmly, and stripped her. Slowly, garment by garment, praying over each piece of demonically

    polluted cloth. She’d bound her breasts. They bared them. “I cried, and every time I cried they would call it

    ‘liberation.’ ” They slapped her, but it was holy slapping, and when she stood before them naked, the men’s hands roaming over her and then inside, they said that was holy too.

    Then they locked her in a room and raped her. For a week. This is considered a corrective; a medical procedure, really; a cure. When it was all over, the pastor declared that the church had freed Mukasa. Maybe, in a sense, it had. Victor Mukasa no longer believed there was a demon inside him. The demons were in the church.

    Mukasa became a man and an activist, determined to prevent what had happened to him from happening again. In 2003, he cofounded Freedom and Roam Uganda, an organization for lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex human rights. In 2005, Ugandan police, led by government officials, raided his house. They didn’t find him. But a friend, Yvonne Oyoo, was there. They took her to the station. You look like a man, they said. We’re going to prove you’re a woman. They stripped her, fondled her breasts.

    Mukasa fled. But in hiding and then in exile, he planned. The plan wasn’t lesbian, it wasn’t gay, it was . . . human, Blessed would say. It was a citizen’s plan: Mukasa sued, and never was a lawsuit more like a gift of the spirit, the romance of the rule of law.”

  24. Male

    You are making the (deliberate?) mistake of assuming/asserting that all (or indeed, many) gay Ugandans are child molesters.

    If you are going to make such sweeping accusations, you should cite credible evidence for them.

    The fact of the matter is that, of the probably 500,000 to 700,000 gay people in UG, the vast majority do not abuse children. You know this; I know this; we all know this; yet you continue to churn out your propaganda.

    I am myself aware of one alleged case of child abuse in UG; the alleged perpetrator was neither Ugandan nor European nor American, and was married.

  25. Thanks Jame

    I heard the same this morning (UK time): an adjournment until 13/12/2010.

    For a country like the UK, the key question is ‘will UG respect the “rule of law” in this matter?’ This is a vitally important factor for good bilateral relations that can benefit both our countries. If the ‘Rolling Stone’ is allowed to publish false accusations, then this will badly hurt the (good) relationship between UG and the UK.

    I’ve been talking with UK Foreign Ministry officials this morning.

  26. Gerald – I am glad to hear that you see this Rolling Stone stuff for what it is. I am curious if you have communicated your views to your pastor since he has been supporting the tabloid with his interviews, and articles.

  27. The case has been adjourned to the 13th Dec 2010 at 3pm for a ruling. I am pretty sure Dr. Warren will be getting the proceedings from his sources.

    I was really impressed with the presence of the International media and representation. I even understand more now why these homo issue in Uganda is so hot on the International scene.

  28. GUg, Warren

    Maazi is either unable or unwilling to produce a shred of evidence to back his claims of so-called ‘recruitment’. There’s a good reason for this …

    Now, this may interest you both: through intermediaries (none of whom have ever contributed to this blog, by the way), I have checked with the Kampala Police how many cases of ‘recruitment’ there have been. The answer was ‘none’.

    So there we are.

    Maazi need say no more on the matter.

  29. Gerard

    I have never said that ‘recruitment’ (whatever this may be) never happens. My point is that many lies have been told by those who wish to make propaganda against gay people.

    The vast majority of victims of ‘recruitment’ into sex work are young girls.

    I think ANYONE who ‘recruits’ ANY child (boy or girl) into sex work should be subject to a criminal penalty.

    Warren and I have read the RS articles: ‘crappy’ would be putting it mildly.

  30. Jame

    I heard reports that one woman has her arm grabbed by Male, while others were accused of being ‘rapists’.

    There have been many false claims of ‘recruitment’ – one more such false claim wouldn’t surprise me. Also, it should not be forgotten that people who choose to have same-sex relationships later claim they were ‘recruited’ in order to push responsibility onto others and avoid being persecuted themselves. The hatred and violence directed at gay people in UG can make them tells lies (e.g. ‘I was recruited’) because they are afraid to tell the truth about their sexuality.

  31. Warren

    i clicked the image but couldn’t read the document.maybe you need to check the link.


    i am so tired of that old line that recruitment is not happening and has never homosexualists never get tired of glossing over the truth.


    Just so you know,i don’t agree with the Rolling Stone’s unethical journalism.i have not actually even read that article they did.just caught snippets of it here and there.they’re just another crappy tabloid here like the Red Pepper that the serious minded don’t take seriously. Our media council is doing a wack job of controlling the media here and it is they that we must bring to the book.

  32. Maazi

    Would you like to provide us with evidence (if there is any) of the kind of widespread, systematic ‘recruitment’ (whatever that means) you claim is occurring?

  33. Warren

    Just so you know,i don’t agree with the Rolling Stone’s unethical journalism.i have not actually even read that article they did.just caught snippets of it here and there.they’re just another crappy tabloid here like the Red Pepper

    Gerald, I completely agree with you, but the gay propagandists don’t care. They will still claim that you endorse the behaviour of the Rolling Stone because you do not accept that gayism is normal behaviour.

  34. Male

    You are making the (deliberate?) mistake of assuming/asserting that all (or indeed, many) gay Ugandans are child molesters.

    If you are going to make such sweeping accusations, you should cite credible evidence for them.

    The fact of the matter is that, of the probably 500,000 to 700,000 gay people in UG, the vast majority do not abuse children. You know this; I know this; we all know this; yet you continue to churn out your propaganda.

    I am myself aware of one alleged case of child abuse in UG; the alleged perpetrator was neither Ugandan nor European nor American, and was married.

  35. Male

    You are making the (deliberate?) mistake of assuming/asserting that all (or indeed, many) gay Ugandans are child molesters.

    If you are going to make such sweeping accusations, you should cite credible evidence for them.

    The fact of the matter is that, of the probably 500,000 to 700,000 gay people in UG, the vast majority do not abuse children. You know this; I know this; we all know this; yet you continue to churn out your propaganda.

    I am myself aware of one alleged case of child abuse in UG; the alleged perpetrator was neither Ugandan nor European nor American, and was married.

  36. The evangelical Christian, Kato Mivule, describes the Bill as ‘totalitarian, evil and anti-christian’. I’m sure he’s right.

    You know Mivule, I believe, Male.



    P. O. Box 11902 Kampala, Uganda

    26th November 2010

    Press release


    Since the introduction of the much controversial anti homosexuality bill, 2009, homosexuals worldwide have condemned Uganda for witch hunting homosexuals. When the Rolling Stone weekly started publishing their pictures already posted on the internet and appearing in various media, they made noise and sued it. And now foreign media and homosexuals are here to advance their cause, blackmailing our government, misinforming the world about the situation on the ground.

    We had always respected foreign media as accurate but now realize that it is prone to manipulation and abuse. What has featured are lies fed to the world which we want to clear as follows:

    1. Persecuting homosexuals: It is wrong and totally unfounded to make such a claim and publish it in any form. Let all those claiming persecution adduce empirical evidence to the effect. I, Pr Martin Sempa and others in our team have on many occasions debated with homosexuals at public forums, even before the media and in the presence of the Police, intelligence and other agencies. None of the homos has ever been harassed. Where on earth do they get such brutalization? I need to assure the world as follows:

    • No homosexual has been persecuted. Our campaign focuses on criminals who target little children below the 18 year age of consent, especially children in schools. For those who have chosen to take that sexual route, we call upon to quit.

    • No homosexual has been raped, abused or killed by mobs because of hatred. In fact, many relatives of homosexuals have bleeding hearts that their loved ones are indulging.

    • We have parents of homosexuals who have been mistreated by homosexuals.

    • On the contrary, we have homosexuals using state machinery to harass their victims and the good Samaritans. This has happened in the Pr Kitaka, Pr Kiwewesi, Pr Kayanja and other homo cases.

    • Where victims have come up to report, they have been persecuted, framed and arrested, or their offenders have been alerted to take pre-emptive action, or even to flee.

    Therefore, blacklisting homos is not bad since even in countries like the USA, Britain, Netherlands, etc wanted criminals are listed even if they haven’t harmed anyone. In Uganda, homosexuality is an offense against the order of nature. People ought to know who these homosexuals are lest they took advantage of little children. I doubt there is a country that can entertain criminals on its territory.

    2. Homosexuals are indeed satisfying their homosexuality urge on under-age children who cannot consent to the act. Where on earth can such be tolerated? Isn’t the Catholic Church worldwide in trouble because of such acts by it priests? Claiming that pedophilia is different from homosexuality is just an attempt to mislead the public away from the issue. When a man always sodomizes minors, and is regarded as a pedophile, it doesn’t remove the fact that the action qualifies him / her for a homosexual.

    3. We demand that Juliet Mukasa (Victor Mukasa) tells the world in which ‘American-style Pentecostal’ church she was striped naked by a pastor and his male assistants during a deliverance prayer session at the alter, then carried into a room, locked up and gang raped for a week, as she told Jeff Sharlet and the story featured in Harpers Magazine, Sept 2010. See excerpts attached.

    Her story is a lie intended to win sympathy of rich homosexuals to give her money and other opportunities.

    Just like for Victor Mukasa, homosexuality is a business and lucrative job for many homosexual activists living in Uganda where economic opportunities are few and highly competitive. It also gives many opportunities to hook up with rich homosexuals worldwide who can help them to get the almost impossible Western Visas. To beat the odds therefore, many people fake up all sorts of stories and it doesn’t matter even if they tarnish the image of their country.

    To reverse such a scenario:

    • Let Western governments remove stringent visa requirements for Ugandans and see if many people will still call themselves homosexuals.

    • Let people be financially empowered to be able to meet their financial needs.

    4. It is wrong to claim that I, Pr Sempa, Kyazze and Kaira were investigated for accusing Pr Kayanja Robert of homosexuality. It is not us who accused him. It is the young men who accused him of sodomizing them and the Police killed their cases and wrongly turned against us and them, detaining some. But they have not accused any of us in that matter. They simply framed up Pr Kyazze and Kaira. We will win that case.

    Finally, we appeal to all Ugandan and international homosexual communities and their sympathizers in the media to stop deceiving the world about the situation on the ground.

    In NCAHSAU, we must continue to stand for the voiceless children taken advantage of during their times of need and later harassed by homosexuals no matter what it costs.

    For God and our country.

    Pr Moses Solomon Male – Leader

    Tel 256-772-479386 / 256-702-196511 [email protected]

    Excerpts from Jeff Sharlet’s article, STRAIGHT MAN’S BURDEN

    The American roots of Uganda’s anti-gay persecutions

    That featured in Harpers Magazine of September 2010

    Juliet Mukasa raped in a Pentecostal Church

    “Like Blessed, Juliet Mukasa knew as a child that she was attracted to childrenof the same sex. And like Blessed she’d been raised Catholic but had joined an American-style Pentecostal church, hoping that in the music and the dancing and the Holy Ghost—the ecstasy— she would fi nd the resolution of her desires. But Juliet Mukasa was not as skilled as Blessed at leading two lives. Dressed like a girl, she couldn’t think. A pastor determined that she was possessed by a “male spirit” and asked his fl ock to help

    him heal her. As women in the pews swayed and sang for Mukasa’s liberation, the exorcism took place at the altar, boys and men from the church laying on hands and speaking in tongues. They took her arms, gently then firmly, and stripped her. Slowly, garment by garment, praying over each piece of demonically

    polluted cloth. She’d bound her breasts. They bared them. “I cried, and every time I cried they would call it

    ‘liberation.’ ” They slapped her, but it was holy slapping, and when she stood before them naked, the men’s hands roaming over her and then inside, they said that was holy too.

    Then they locked her in a room and raped her. For a week. This is considered a corrective; a medical procedure, really; a cure. When it was all over, the pastor declared that the church had freed Mukasa. Maybe, in a sense, it had. Victor Mukasa no longer believed there was a demon inside him. The demons were in the church.

    Mukasa became a man and an activist, determined to prevent what had happened to him from happening again. In 2003, he cofounded Freedom and Roam Uganda, an organization for lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and intersex human rights. In 2005, Ugandan police, led by government officials, raided his house. They didn’t find him. But a friend, Yvonne Oyoo, was there. They took her to the station. You look like a man, they said. We’re going to prove you’re a woman. They stripped her, fondled her breasts.

    Mukasa fled. But in hiding and then in exile, he planned. The plan wasn’t lesbian, it wasn’t gay, it was . . . human, Blessed would say. It was a citizen’s plan: Mukasa sued, and never was a lawsuit more like a gift of the spirit, the romance of the rule of law.”

  38. The evangelical Christian, Kato Mivule, describes the Bill as ‘totalitarian, evil and anti-christian’. I’m sure he’s right.

    You know Mivule, I believe, Male.

  39. The evangelical Christian, Kato Mivule, describes the Bill as ‘totalitarian, evil and anti-christian’. I’m sure he’s right.

    You know Mivule, I believe, Male.

  40. Why should people claim that Ugandans were brainwashed by a bunch of Americans from the United States? Why imply that the Ugandan people are all children incapable of thinking for themselves or are so stupid that when any white person speaks, they simply accept? Why claim that anyone opposed to gayism is somehow under the control of some over-fed pentecostal pastor in the United States? Why is it hard to understand that the Ugandan people—and by extension, most Africans— can never support gayism on cultural and traditional grounds? You guys want my name so that you can spin lies about me being the man friday of Scott Lively or godson of Rick Warren or even the secret chief finnancer of Rolling Stone tabloid. Or perhaps, Jeff Sharlet will write a new book called “In the inner sanctum of Maazi NCO- a story of a rich highly influential homophobe who has all the world’s evangelical pastors and muslim sheiks on speed dial”

  41. Personally, I think that Maazi’s comments fulfill an important function – apart from their comedy value. He states openly what many so-called leaders here say in a more roundabout manner.

    I think your problem is that you think the world revolves round the United States and so, you keep projecting what your hypocritical rightwing politicians say unto the Ugandan people. My viewpoint on gayism is not extreme in the slightest. I do not call for anyone to be killed, but for punishment to fit the (sex) crime. Most Ugandans share that same view.


    This is your blog after all. Westerners are shameless hypocrites—always quick to denounce others for not intolerance while they are themselves intolerant.

    It should have read:

    This is your blog after all. Westerners are shameless hypocrites—always quick to denounce others for intolerance while they are themselves intolerant.

    And No!!— I will not provide you with a name. It is not because I am afraid. I am not at all, since my express my views openly over here.

    It should have read:

    And No!!— I will not provide you with a name. It is not because I am afraid. I am not at all, since I express my views openly over here.

  43. Richard – I agree it is tasteless and cowardly to assert such positions under cover, but it is how I have arranged things and up until recently it has served the effort well.

    I am in a dilemma of sorts. Some in the community here want Maazi NCO banned because he consistently makes claims which are either provably false or without evidence. His views on homosexuality are pre-scientific and his attitudes toward gay people frightening. However, they are a window into the thinking of many of his fellows and as such a starting point for us to understand how many Ugandans of faith and no faith see sexuality. And for that reason and others, others in the community do not want to see him (and others proclaiming similar views) banned.

    I want to assure my readers that I am committed to opposition of criminalization of homosexuality and that there is no sense in my mind that we are arguing equivalent views. Understanding the extreme biases demonstrated by some of the commenters is an important means it seems to me to a better end.


    You can do whatever you like. This is your blog after all. Westerners are shameless hypocrites—always quick to denounce others for not intolerance while they are themselves intolerant. Always quick to demand democracy in one nation where they have no vested interests while turning blind eye or propping dictatorships in other nations where they have vested interest in energy, economy, etc.

    No matter what happens thereafter, I am satisfied that I have done my best to represent the views of the overwhelming majority of the Ugandan people. We shall not be intimidated into adopting deviant sexual culture from your western nations. Richard, you will wait for your entire life span and never get to witness gay pride march in Uganda. Neither would you ever come here for exotic same-sex marriage ceremonies or gay adoption events. In Uganda, we are not interested in debating whether we should continue criminalization or decriminalization of gayism. We are only debating the scope and scale of punishment that is appropriate for that particular deviant sexual behaviour—- hence the condemnation of extreme tactics employed by Red Pepper and co and extreme provisions of the original Bahati Bill.

    And No!!— I will not provide you with a name. It is not because I am afraid. I am not at all, since my express my views openly over here. However, I do not wish gay propagandists such as yourself to twist and twist and twist my identity. I do not wish to read the Western newspapers and see euro-american gay lobbyists lie that Pastor Rick Warren is my Godfather and that I am the public relations officer of so-called powerful christian group, The Family (or is it the Addams Family?)

  44. Warren,

    I do ask that you supply evidence for your claims of recruitment.

    That’s the first time that I have ever seen such a request made and it was heartening to see it. Clearly you’re an intelligent man but unfortunately intelligence is no guarantee of rational thought these days. The ‘recruitment’ claim is, of course, a slander but it is one that I see repeated constantly here in the States (by NOM in California, for example) where it fulfills the same function and uses almost the same language as the Blood Libel slander that was used against the Jews.

    Personally, I think that Maazi’s comments fulfill an important function – apart from their comedy value. He states openly what many so-called leaders here say in a more roundabout manner. While his views might seem extreme they are not so very far from what one reads coming from Tony Perkins et al. Gay Americans are being attacked on all sides and I think it worthwhile to let Maazi remind us of the logical conclusion of those attacks.

  45. Richard – I agree it is tasteless and cowardly to assert such positions under cover, but it is how I have arranged things and up until recently it has served the effort well.

    I am in a dilemma of sorts. Some in the community here want Maazi NCO banned because he consistently makes claims which are either provably false or without evidence. His views on homosexuality are pre-scientific and his attitudes toward gay people frightening. However, they are a window into the thinking of many of his fellows and as such a starting point for us to understand how many Ugandans of faith and no faith see sexuality. And for that reason and others, others in the community do not want to see him (and others proclaiming similar views) banned.

    I want to assure my readers that I am committed to opposition of criminalization of homosexuality and that there is no sense in my mind that we are arguing equivalent views. Understanding the extreme biases demonstrated by some of the commenters is an important means it seems to me to a better end.

  46. Warren

    Some people would like us thrown into prison (or worse) for our defence of human rights, but we don’t operate under false names.

    I think that it is ‘tasteless beyond measure’ that ‘Maazi NCO’ (who knows perfectly well that we, his opponents, are totally opposed to violence) makes his accusations under the cover of what one assumes is a false name.

    It is quite different for people like GUg – they are in danger.

    I do, of course, completely respect the rules that you apply to your own blog, and welcome your insistence that all accusations of criminal or supposedly-criminal activity be backed by credible evidence.

  47. Maazi – While I do not need you to supply your identity (I have made a decision to allow anonymous commenters here), I do ask that you supply evidence for your claims of recruitment.

    There are pedophiles of course in every society who have same and opposite sex preferences. When they offend, these people are already addressed by Uganda’s laws. However, you provide no evidence of a concerted effort by gays as a movement to recruit youth.

  48. Maazi

    Why don’t you

    1. provide evidence to back your accusations against others?

    2. tell us your real name (noone is threatening you, so it would be prefectly safe to do so)?

  49. Forget consensual same-sex relationships. Leave your fellow gay Ugandans alone (or did I mean ‘gay fellow Ugandans’?)!

    Here’s the REAL problem. Come on, matey – get a grip!

    Richard Willmer,

    Uganda has passed torrents of legislation to protect the rights of women. Examples include law that declared rape a capital offence in 1997 and the more recent law that made Female Genital Mutilation a serious offence. The Ugandan people regard all forms of deviant sexual behaviour from prostitution to rape to gayism as societal problems that need a solution. We do not need a British overlord like you to dictate to us what should be our priority. This is 2010 not 1860. Please show some respect—-to yourself !!

  50. Warren,

    I do ask that you supply evidence for your claims of recruitment.

    That’s the first time that I have ever seen such a request made and it was heartening to see it. Clearly you’re an intelligent man but unfortunately intelligence is no guarantee of rational thought these days. The ‘recruitment’ claim is, of course, a slander but it is one that I see repeated constantly here in the States (by NOM in California, for example) where it fulfills the same function and uses almost the same language as the Blood Libel slander that was used against the Jews.

    Personally, I think that Maazi’s comments fulfill an important function – apart from their comedy value. He states openly what many so-called leaders here say in a more roundabout manner. While his views might seem extreme they are not so very far from what one reads coming from Tony Perkins et al. Gay Americans are being attacked on all sides and I think it worthwhile to let Maazi remind us of the logical conclusion of those attacks.

  51. Maazi

    My apologies for misspelling your name. If you were to use your real name, I would certainly treat it, and you, with greater respect.

  52. Oh … and are you going to say who you really are, or just churn out false accusations from behind a pseudonym?

  53. Naazi

    We’ll just have to agree to differ on his point, I think.

    Are you going to answer properly my question about evidence for so-called ‘recruitment’?

  54. You seem obsessed by sex; sex is not the issue in this discussion – this discussion is about truth and treating people fairly.

    I think it is you and your fellow westerners that are obsessed with it; that is why you cannot help interfering in the internal affairs of the Ugandan people. This discussion is not about truth or treating people fairly. It is about resisting western attempts to impose their hedonistic culture on the African people.


    Maybe you need to talk to people and find out what they actually think?

    I think it is you who need to speak to the Ugandan people on this matter. The so-called “intellectuals” if they do exist outside your fantasy world, are not representative of the position of the Ugandan intelligentsia nor are they representative of the wider Ugandan public opinion. Elements of the Intelligentsia may be appalled with the methods employed by the tabloids, but most agree that gayism is a criminal offence. It is as simple as that. Stop deceiving yourself.

  55. Maazi

    I have not ‘advocated gay sex’ on this blog. I have set out arguments against human rights violations.

    You seem obsessed by sex; sex is not the issue in this discussion – this discussion is about truth and treating people fairly.

  56. it seems clear to me that people like Muhame and Male INTEND to incite hatred … which would probably make them criminals here in Britain under ‘hate crime’ laws enacted in 2008.

    Well in Uganda, our own laws will make gay sex advocates like yourself a criminal. Fair point !!

  57. Many UG intellectuals I know want this whole thing to go away.

    Richard Willmer,

    You are an incredible fantasist, but please continue your entertainment. It seems you can no longer distinguish between your dreams and the reality on the ground.

    If the ‘Rolling Stone’ is allowed to publish false accusations, then this will badly hurt the (good) relationship between UG and the UK.

    If this were accurate then it would be first in the history of the world, where diplomatic relations between two nations are strained because of a depraved sexual act. I think Guinness Book of Records should be on hand to record that epoch-making event, should it ever materialize.

  58. Jame

    I can understand Sweetza’s fury, actually.

    The anger and violent speech of people like Male are far far worse, and – furthermore – it seems clear to me that people like Muhame and Male INTEND to incite hatred … which would probably make them criminals here in Britain under ‘hate crime’ laws enacted in 2008.

    Muhame may also have broken UG laws relating to privacy and defamation.

    Many UG intellectuals I know want this whole thing to go away. They also think that it would be best if private sexual acts persuant to informed consent were decrminalised, and the focus of the law be on things like rape, child abuse (the latter, relating to both boys and girls is already covered by Penal Code 129, as amended by the Penal Code [Amendment] Act 2007) and pimping – with equal penalties for ‘homo’ and ‘hetero’ scenarios.

  59. Sweetza,

    You sound so angry and violent. I think the issue here is Rolling Stone. I do agree with Richard about this blog. It can’t actually discuss certain things like what you suggested otherwise we would miss out on the fine discussions we’ve been having here. I personally went through that great university and would appreciate the work Ssempa did among those young people. Atleast you can’t deny him that. I don’t know about Male, Buturo, Bahati and the likes.

    Secondly comparing the Parliamentary discussions to the Batwa meeting is childish. I trust this to be a blog where mature discussions are held. Fortunately I was in court today and never saw Ssempa or Buturo. I only saw one called Male. And for your information there are few intellectuals in UG who agree with the way Rolling Stone is doing things. I do not support that and I am sure you too don’t.

  60. Obviously, if there is some ‘problem’ with Ssempa’s, it might be better not to discuss it here. After all, this is responsible, and increasingly respected, blog, not the ‘Rolling Rubbish’ or the propaganda ministry of that mythical country called Bahatiland!

  61. I still insist, Ugandan parliament sitting to discuss homosexuality-a human relations issue, is equal to a village meeting held by pigymies(read batwa)-one of the most primitive tribes,in the forests of Congo, and Western Uganda. Sick homophobics like Martin Sempa, his group of idle friends like David Bahati, Solomon Male, and all the young people that have been misled in their so called church at Makerere are a disgrace!

    This is clearly a hate campaign filled with jealous of those ahead of them, Really are hate crime’ agitators worthy of anyones ear? I wonder whether these people preach in church! Let Sempa gain extra-terestrial powers and find out about his older son, i hope he wont disown him.

  62. Thanks Jame

    I heard the same this morning (UK time): an adjournment until 13/12/2010.

    For a country like the UK, the key question is ‘will UG respect the “rule of law” in this matter?’ This is a vitally important factor for good bilateral relations that can benefit both our countries. If the ‘Rolling Stone’ is allowed to publish false accusations, then this will badly hurt the (good) relationship between UG and the UK.

    I’ve been talking with UK Foreign Ministry officials this morning.

  63. The case has been adjourned to the 13th Dec 2010 at 3pm for a ruling. I am pretty sure Dr. Warren will be getting the proceedings from his sources.

    I was really impressed with the presence of the International media and representation. I even understand more now why these homo issue in Uganda is so hot on the International scene.

  64. The central point is, of course, that the ‘hate campaign’ against LGBT persons in UG is based on lies (or, to put it more politely, ‘opinion’ presented as ‘fact’).

  65. GUg, Warren

    Maazi is either unable or unwilling to produce a shred of evidence to back his claims of so-called ‘recruitment’. There’s a good reason for this …

    Now, this may interest you both: through intermediaries (none of whom have ever contributed to this blog, by the way), I have checked with the Kampala Police how many cases of ‘recruitment’ there have been. The answer was ‘none’.

    So there we are.

    Maazi need say no more on the matter.

  66. Gerald – I am glad to hear that you see this Rolling Stone stuff for what it is. I am curious if you have communicated your views to your pastor since he has been supporting the tabloid with his interviews, and articles.

  67. [Hmmmmmmm! Waiting for that evidence….!]

    We also eat poo poo, lick anuses, cannot raise children, are bad, obscene, err, what are the other accusations? they are all in that letter.

  68. Maazi

    Would you like to provide us with evidence (if there is any) of the kind of widespread, systematic ‘recruitment’ (whatever that means) you claim is occurring?

  69. Warren

    Just so you know,i don’t agree with the Rolling Stone’s unethical journalism.i have not actually even read that article they did.just caught snippets of it here and there.they’re just another crappy tabloid here like the Red Pepper

    Gerald, I completely agree with you, but the gay propagandists don’t care. They will still claim that you endorse the behaviour of the Rolling Stone because you do not accept that gayism is normal behaviour.

  70. Gerard

    I have never said that ‘recruitment’ (whatever this may be) never happens. My point is that many lies have been told by those who wish to make propaganda against gay people.

    The vast majority of victims of ‘recruitment’ into sex work are young girls.

    I think ANYONE who ‘recruits’ ANY child (boy or girl) into sex work should be subject to a criminal penalty.

    Warren and I have read the RS articles: ‘crappy’ would be putting it mildly.

  71. [Hmmmmmmm! Waiting for that evidence….!]

    We also eat poo poo, lick anuses, cannot raise children, are bad, obscene, err, what are the other accusations? they are all in that letter.

  72. Warren

    i clicked the image but couldn’t read the document.maybe you need to check the link.


    i am so tired of that old line that recruitment is not happening and has never homosexualists never get tired of glossing over the truth.


    Just so you know,i don’t agree with the Rolling Stone’s unethical journalism.i have not actually even read that article they did.just caught snippets of it here and there.they’re just another crappy tabloid here like the Red Pepper that the serious minded don’t take seriously. Our media council is doing a wack job of controlling the media here and it is they that we must bring to the book.

  73. Much of this ‘recruitment’ stuff is simply anti-gay propaganda.

  74. Jame

    I heard reports that one woman has her arm grabbed by Male, while others were accused of being ‘rapists’.

    There have been many false claims of ‘recruitment’ – one more such false claim wouldn’t surprise me. Also, it should not be forgotten that people who choose to have same-sex relationships later claim they were ‘recruited’ in order to push responsibility onto others and avoid being persecuted themselves. The hatred and violence directed at gay people in UG can make them tells lies (e.g. ‘I was recruited’) because they are afraid to tell the truth about their sexuality.

  75. I hope I will be in Uganda in time for this ruling such that I can witness first hand what happens. Two friends of mine who attended the previous court session told me that there was no scuffle outside except that both sides traded words against the other. This happened especially after one of the ex-gay guys pointed out a guy who molested and recruited him.

  76. I hope I will be in Uganda in time for this ruling such that I can witness first hand what happens. Two friends of mine who attended the previous court session told me that there was no scuffle outside except that both sides traded words against the other. This happened especially after one of the ex-gay guys pointed out a guy who molested and recruited him.

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