David Barton: Christian Professors Were Trained By Pagan Professors Who Hate God

During the same program where David Barton claimed that only four professors in the nation criticized The Jefferson Lies, he also had something to say (listen) about the Christian professors who have raised concerns about his claims.

What happens is, and Christian professors were basically trained by pagan professors who hate God, and they’re just repeating what they’re been told.

I was reminded of this line by reading the History News Network article about Barton’s claim about the four professors.
I think what he might mean is ‘Christian professors who disagree with me were basically trained by pagan professors who hate God.’
For Coulter and me, Barton’s theory doesn’t work out. My history training came from Cedarville University profs back when the school was more conservative than it is now. Everybody seems pretty fond of God around CU. Coulter went to GCC and then the University of Dallas.
More generally, though, that is quite a strong and insulting statement, one I doubt he can back up.
It’s not too late to join the #Barton4.

In a Close Vote: Barton Beats Out Zinn for Least Credible History Book

In a photo finish, David Barton’s The Jefferson Lies beat out Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States for the title of “Least Credible History Book in Print” put on by George Mason University’s History News Network.

Readers of the History News Network have voted David Barton’s The Jefferson Lies: Exposing the Myths You’ve Always Believe About Thomas Jefferson the least credible history book in print in a week-long HNN poll. The book edged out Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States by nine votes at the end of polling — 650 votes versus 641. Commenters criticized the book for its gross factual errors and political agenda…

Both books have significant problems but are at opposite ends of the ideological spectrum. Historian John Fea said about the results:

It is fitting that both of these books were so close in the voting.  They are both examples of writers using the past for political propaganda.  Barton and Zinn are guilty of using history to serve their political activism.

Following the vote, the New York Times weighs in:

In expert commentary solicited by the network, which is hosted by George Mason University, Warren Throckmorton and Michael Coulter, the authors of “Getting Jefferson Right,” denounced Mr. Barton’s “distortions,” writing, “As Jefferson did with the Gospels, Barton chooses what he likes about Jefferson and leaves out the rest to create a result more in line with his ideology.”

History News Network seeks “history books that nobody should take seriously”

I don’t think I need to add much to this New York Times article. Note who is “running strong.”

HNN is accepting nominations for history books that nobody should take seriously. Do you have a book in mind? Send an email to [email protected]. Next week readers will vote on the nominees to name the least credible history book in print!

I have some ideas. Want to share yours?

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