RNC Members Should Pay Their Own Way to Israel

Last night, Rachel Maddow exclusively reported that the American Family Association demoted Bryan Fischer. Instead of being Director of Issues Analysis, he will simply continue to host his Focal Point radio broadcast. In 2012, AFA president Tim Wildmon told me via email that being a talk show host (e.g., Fischer) on the American Family Radio … Continue reading “RNC Members Should Pay Their Own Way to Israel”

Rachel Maddow: Bryan Fischer Has Been Fired As Spokeman By the American Family Association

Rachel Maddow reported earlier this evening: [youtube]http://youtu.be/LzUTpe16y1E[/youtube] May be (should be) more fall out from the GOP’s collaboration with the AFA. Perhaps Bryan Fischer’s foot has been in his mouth just a few too many times. The AFA hasn’t gotten rid of him completely; he is still considered a “talk show host” and his twitter … Continue reading “Rachel Maddow: Bryan Fischer Has Been Fired As Spokeman By the American Family Association”

Christian Post Provides Free Advertising for International Healing Foundation

I missed this a couple of days ago. The Christian Post provided free advertising for the following activity masquerading as therapy: [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJXWFZz0Qjo[/youtube] This video cannot be shown enough. This is what the Christian Post is advertising with their puff piece on the International Healing Foundation. Doyle says being attracted to the same sex is a … Continue reading “Christian Post Provides Free Advertising for International Healing Foundation”

The Voice of the Voiceless (sic) Campaign: Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right

Subtitle: Conservatives Against Crazy Therapies #savethepillows (see video below). Right wing website The College Fix misses the point in an article published last Friday (6/20). The assumption on the part of Chris Doyle and author Claire Healey seems to be that incorrect information provided by college counseling or resource centers should lead to the addition … Continue reading “The Voice of the Voiceless (sic) Campaign: Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right”

What Does The International Healing Foundation Do?

Last year, I reported that the International Healing Foundation struck gold in 2011 with an apparent donation of over 500k. Some of the money was used to promote a video for schools.  However, salad days have returned for IHF as the current 990 form shows they burned through the rest of those funds in 2012 … Continue reading “What Does The International Healing Foundation Do?”