Calling for More Transparency from the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability

Rob Smith continues to raise questions for the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. In a column this morning, Smith asks: Why is ECFA certifying churches without requiring the same public disclosure as non-churches? While Smith believes the government should not insist on wider disclosure, he believes the ECFA should insist on a similar level of … Continue reading “Calling for More Transparency from the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability”

Petition Asks Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability to Suspend Mars Hill Church

A petition posted today “Mars Hill Church – Walk in the Light” at asks the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability to suspend the membership of Mars Hill Church. The petition specifically points to a memo on Mars Hill’s Global Fund which planned to use “highly visible” mission projects as a draw to gain donations … Continue reading “Petition Asks Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability to Suspend Mars Hill Church”

Megachurch Methods: The Lead Pastors and Executive Elders Wellness Program (UPDATED)

In a bid to retain pastors, Mars Hill Church leaders implemented a wellness program in the summer of 2013. I first became aware of the program when John Catanzaro’s — Mark Driscoll’s naturopath physician — license to practice as a naturopath was suspended in January 2014. Then recently, I obtained more information about the program … Continue reading “Megachurch Methods: The Lead Pastors and Executive Elders Wellness Program (UPDATED)”

Rob Smith: Where is the credibility of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability?

At Musings from Under the Bus this morning, Rob Smith asks, “Where is the credibility of ECFA?” Also, Smith wonders: One has to wonder what type of financial scandal has to become public before ECFA decides that it will no longer give its once esteemed stamp of approval to Mars Hill Church. I wonder the … Continue reading “Rob Smith: Where is the credibility of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability?”

Mars Hill Church and Mars Hill Go: Still No Financial Transparency

Today, Mars Hill Church rebranded Mars Hill Global by calling their missionary efforts Mars Hill Go. However, the revised Mars Hill Global/Go Frequently Asked Questions page still does not answer one of the most frequently asked questions — how much has Mars Hill Church spent on mission efforts in India and Ethiopia? From the FAQ page: … Continue reading “Mars Hill Church and Mars Hill Go: Still No Financial Transparency”