Open Letter to Gateway Pastor Robert Morris From a Former Member of Mars Hill Church

I have a few comments at the end… …………………………………………… Dear Robert Morris, Senior Pastor at Gateway Church in Dallas, I believe you owe the folks who have ever loved Mars Hill Church an apology.  Or two. I watched a Youtube clip of the Gateway Conference in Dallas from a couple weeks ago where you made … Continue reading “Open Letter to Gateway Pastor Robert Morris From a Former Member of Mars Hill Church”

Dramatic Changes at Mars Hill Church: Multi-Site Model Out; Local Autonomous Churches In

In a dramatic announcement, Dave Bruskas disclosed today that Mars Hill Church is essentially disbanding and the campus locations will merge, become autonomous churches, or cease operation. From the church website: LOCAL MISSION, LOCAL CHURCHES Mars Hill, Historically, our mission has always been clear – to make disciples and plant churches. In keeping with that … Continue reading “Dramatic Changes at Mars Hill Church: Multi-Site Model Out; Local Autonomous Churches In”

Mars Hill Church Denies Bankruptcy Rumors

A commenter going by “former mars hill elder” posted a claim that Mars Hill Church would soon declare bankruptcy. former mars hill elder • 20 hours ago I heard yesterday that Mars Hill will for sure be filing bankruptcy. Every church will either close their doors or become independent. Dave is planning on resigning once the transition … Continue reading “Mars Hill Church Denies Bankruptcy Rumors”

Mars Hill's Non-Disparagement Clause, the Attorney General, and Blowing Whistles in ECFA Organizations

For a long time, Mars Hill Church used non-disclosure and non-disparagement clauses to keep departing staff and pastors quiet about problems at the church. As it turns out, the church might have been violating Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability guidance in yet another way by the used of what former pastor Dave Kraft called a … Continue reading “Mars Hill's Non-Disparagement Clause, the Attorney General, and Blowing Whistles in ECFA Organizations”

Mars Hill Church: Where Does the Buck Stop?

Rumors of change at Mars Hill Church are blowing in the Seattle wind. Since many of the pastors who called for change when Mark Driscoll was lead pastor have departed either through lay off or via resignation (see also this list*), it remains to be seen who will lead the charge for reform. For change to … Continue reading “Mars Hill Church: Where Does the Buck Stop?”