A commenter going by “former mars hill elder” posted a claim that Mars Hill Church would soon declare bankruptcy.
former mars hill elder • 20 hours ago
I heard yesterday that Mars Hill will for sure be filing bankruptcy. Every church will either close their doors or become independent.
Dave is planning on resigning once the transition is complete. Mark will not be receiving his full severance package.
The Dave referenced above is Dave Bruskas, lone remaining executive elder at Mars Hill. There is support from the church for the comment that the Mars Hill locations will move toward localized governance. Also, Bruskas has told the church he won’t function in a similar role as Driscoll. The bankruptcy claim caught the attention of commenters on the blog and on Facebook so I felt I should ask Mars Hill about it.
Earlier today, church spokesman Justin Dean wrote to say:
We have not and are not planning to file for bankruptcy protection.
Mr. Dean is also the same person who said the Global Fund was not a fund, so I am not sure this statement completely clears up the questions. However, I did want the church to have the chance to comment.
If others have evidence or want to speak on the record, please let me know.