Music city conference report: Day One

In Nashville and spent the afternoon and much of the evening getting ready for the Pre-conference workshop on Sexual Identity Therapy tomorrow morning. Musicians and microphones are everywhere here — even the airport — which in my mind is a good thing. I was initially scheduled to be on the Mike and Juliet Morning Show … Continue reading “Music city conference report: Day One”

Former graduate student suing Purdue over religious views

Jeffrey Ford, now a graduate of Purdue University Calumet, is suing his alma mater with the help of the Alliance Defense Fund. The school’s news service has this report. Mike Adams, columnist and criminology professor at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, has a six part series on this story as well. Read them … Continue reading “Former graduate student suing Purdue over religious views”

Is religious belief a choice?

In the ongoing discussion of sexual identity therapy, some have asserted that sexual orientation is not a choice but religion is (“The bottom line is your sexual orientation cannot change and your religion can,” [Wayne] Besen said.”). That struck me as a failure to understand the function and centrality of religious belief for those who … Continue reading “Is religious belief a choice?”

I will be on the Michelangelo Signorile show today

Tune in Tuesday, July 24, at 4:30pm eastern time on Sirius Radio for this live interview. I suspect we will discuss many topics but focus on the sexual identity therapy framework and the work of the APA. UPDATE – Well, hope springs eternal. I thought we might get some kind of real dialogue about the … Continue reading “I will be on the Michelangelo Signorile show today”

Queersighted: Imprison conversion therapists

AOL’s GLBT community blog Queersighted has an article by Richard Rothstein this morning that marks tomorrow’s first meeting of the APA Sexual Orientation Task as an important date in gay history. Why? Because he hopes the task force will suggest to the APA that all reparative/conversion therapy should be banned. And what if the APA … Continue reading “Queersighted: Imprison conversion therapists”