A Critical Review of Eric Metaxas' Book If You Can Keep It

The Daily Caller posted my review of the book. Regular readers will see that I draw on my prior work for much of it. In any case, go over and check it out. Daily Caller… I conclude: Although the frequency of errors does not match David Barton’s The Jefferson Lies which was withdrawn from publication … Continue reading “A Critical Review of Eric Metaxas' Book If You Can Keep It”

David Barton Condemns Guilt By Association Now That Ted Cruz Is The Target

Once upon a time, Ted Cruz Super PAC head David Barton believed Marco Rubio’s gay-marriage-supporting staff would cause Rubio problems with conservatives. Now that Ted Cruz is being associated with dominionists and Pentecostals by Matt Drudge, Barton now thinks guilt by association is “ridiculous.” This evening, Barton was featured in a damage control piece at Cruz Net … Continue reading “David Barton Condemns Guilt By Association Now That Ted Cruz Is The Target”

On Presidents Day, Family Research Council Incorrectly Quotes Presidents

Like these… (Update: Since I posted these tweets, FRC has taken down the George Washington quote. Clean up the Lincoln quote and they will be almost back where they started.) #GeorgeWashington believed God & the Bible should remain essential to our nation's character. #PresidentsDay pic.twitter.com/78HzHBhniX — FRC (@FRCdc) February 15, 2016 Mt. Vernon’s website lists … Continue reading “On Presidents Day, Family Research Council Incorrectly Quotes Presidents”

By His Own Standards, David Barton is a Historical Revisionist

In a World Net Daily article about dangers to America, Rafael Cruz cites Ted Cruz’s historian David Barton on how revisionist historians operate. David Barton with Wallbuilders points out four ways revisionist historians excise our Christian heritage from American history: 1. PATENT UNTRUTHS. Whenever a historian claims, :America began as a secular country,” you’re witnessing … Continue reading “By His Own Standards, David Barton is a Historical Revisionist”

David Barton Claims Professional Historians Don't Use Original Documents and That's Why They Attack His Work

I have just about run out of headlines to describe the errors in David Barton’s description of why The Jefferson Lies was pulled from publication in 2012. He and World Net Daily continue to promote the idea that the book’s critics were liberals and that Thomas Nelson pulled the book due to political correctness. I’ve … Continue reading “David Barton Claims Professional Historians Don't Use Original Documents and That's Why They Attack His Work”