Mars Hill Bellevue Elders Will Remain in Place for Six Months Past Soma Transition

Yesterday, we heard from Jeff Vanderstelt about his move to Bellevue. Today we hear from Jason Skelton, pastor at Bellevue (now being referred to as “Eastside church”). Probably, the most interesting aspect of the communication is that the elders are committed to stay in place for six months. Vanderstelt said in his letter that the elders were willing to resign, but apparently that is not how it will happen. Somehow they will be assessed but the goal is to affirm each other (either oddly worded or an odd process of assessment).

From Pastor Jason Skelton:
Eastside Family,
Last month, we shared a schedule of Interest Meetings for the new Eastside church. The purpose of these meetings is to create a focused time to talk through vision, planning, and execution in specific ministry areas. We need your feedback and wisdom to set up God-honoring and people-loving ministries at our new church. In our last meeting, we had the opportunity to share with you information regarding location, describe what financial transparency will look like in the future, and share a draft of our bylaws for the new church. We had over 100 people attend and are grateful for your support.
In our Interest Meeting this Sunday, December 7th, we’ll be focusing on community groups and discipleship. Jeff Vanderstelt, whom we have presented as a candidate for our new Lead Teaching Pastor, will be with us talking through his vision for community and discipleship. If you’re interested in what community groups will look like, or have questions and feedback on how we can improve our discipleship going forward, please join us this Sunday at 12:30p. Jeff will also be preaching at all of our services on December 7th (8:30a, 10:30a, and 4:00p).
If you’re more interested in other aspects of ministry, we will also have Interest Meetings upcoming for the following:
December 9, 5-8p – Potluck dinner at the Sammamish church building (anyone is welcome)
Thursday December 11, 11:45am – 1:00pm – Lunch in the Redmond area (anyone is welcome, more details coming soon)
December 14, 12:30p – Interest Meetings, on the topic of Sunday Volunteer Teams and service opportunities
December 21, 12:30p – Interest Meetings, on the topic of Ministries (Counseling, Kids, Students, etc.)
Lastly, we would also encourage you to read through Jeff’s recent post regarding the prayerful consideration of his move to serve at this new Eastside church. We had the opportunity to share this information at our Interest Meeting last Sunday but felt that it was important to also present it publicly, from Jeff. We hope to have clarity on this decision by December 14th, making an announcement no later than December 21st.
We present Jeff to serve as one of your elders because we believe that he can lead us as we all follow Jesus together to become a healthy church. We are praying for great unity about this decision across the church family, and that with one voice we would be able to affirm Jeff into the new role this month. Along with Jeff the elders from Bellevue and Sammamish will partner in ministry and submit to a new assessment of our qualifications for eldership. We have committed that we will serve together over the next six months, with the goal that we would all be able to affirm one another’s qualification and calling to the role of elder in the new church moving forward. That process will include opportunities for the congregation to provide feedback as we serve and worship together.
We are here because we love you, and because we want to be here. There is much joy in serving God’s people, and to serve you here has proven this to be abundantly true.
In Christ,
Pastor Jason

Via email, I am hearing from Bellevue members who are considering a move but are hoping that the church will release information regarding the Global Fund and the overall financial picture. Former members who might consider a move back to Bellevue if the current elders step down will probably be disappointed with this note, after being somewhat encouraged yesterday.

Current Mars Hill Pastor Says Investigation Findings Showed Mark Driscoll Not Qualified as Elder

In an ongoing conversation on a previous post, current Mars Hill pastor Steve Tompkins, indicated that based on the Board of Elders’ investigation, Mark Driscoll is not currently qualified for the office of elder.

Speaking to former elder Zack Hubert, Tompkins commented on the findings of the Board of Elders report of their investigation into formal charges by 21 former elders and other private witnesses.

To my knowledge, Tompkins is the first current elder who has characterized the Board of Elders investigation as resulting in a finding of disqualification. The only statement from the Board of Elders indicated that Driscoll was asked to enter an elder directed restoration process. However, instead of following the counsel of the elders, Driscoll resigned.

The Board of Elders have not released a report, and since the investigation was not completed, there is some question about the existence of a report. There are many unanswered questions about the role of the BoE and BoAA in the manner in which Driscoll left the church.

Uncertainty of another kind surrounds Mars Hill Church. Reliable sources tell me dramatic changes are in store for the church. Campus locations are considering merger, independence, or closure. Options for reducing debt and spinning off locations into autonomous churches are being explored.

More Specifics About Changes at Mars Hill Church: Localized Governance, Financial Clarity, Culture Change

Lone executive elder Dave Bruskas gets more specific about changes in the works at Mars Hill Church in this message on The City (and the website):
MarsHill Weekly101414
The full statement is here:

From Pastor David Bruskas:
Mars Hill,
While most of the recent attention surrounding our church has been focused on accusations against Pastor Mark, I along with your Lead Pastors, are painfully aware that we have an unhealthy culture in our church, and many of us have contributed. We love you very much Mars Hill, and it is our deep desire to begin a new chapter focused on new values. We ask for forgiveness from those who have been hurt by this church because of the culture we contributed to. We wish to move forward together knowing that we are a broken and repentant church in need of a forgiveness and restoration that only Jesus provides.
We are determined to honor the past work that Jesus has done through this church and those that have labored with us, while correcting and setting a new course for the future where he can be most glorified as we move ourselves out of the way.
During this time of transition, we have enacted a previously established plan in which I have committed to fulfill the role of interim Preaching Pastor, doing so as one of many voices on Sundays along with your Lead Pastors. However, I will not be functioning as a remaining Executive Elder, or even as a “first among equals”, but I will be working to facilitate decisions among many leaders.
As we work through needed changes, your Lead Pastors and I have committed to focus on three areas during this transition: localized governance, financial clarity, and cultural change. We will communicate with increasing detail in these three areas in the weeks to come.
Localized Governance
Going forward we intend to pursue a more localized governance and oversight model in our churches. As we move toward a new structure there is no desire to consider a continuation of the current model of leadership, including the Executive Elder roles and the Board of Advisors and Accountability. We are currently not considering an option where I would take over in Pastor Mark’s previous role. We intend to provide more self-determining freedom to our local churches in a way that empowers local leaders to direct the future of their churches.
Financial Clarity
In mid-November we will be releasing our 10th annual independent audit of our financial statements from this past fiscal year. This had been delayed as the auditors awaited the conclusion of the investigation into the allegations against Pastor Mark. We will be posting them to our website at and our desire is to continue providing better financial clarity going forward. Our hope and anticipation is that we will receive a good report. But if that isn’t the case, we will work openly and diligently to correct any problems.
Culture Change
We want to be leaders who are humble, repentant, accountable to you and each other, and who communicate openly and regularly to our members. We want to be known not only for preaching the truth, but also for living it out by loving others well. As the Board of Elders continue to glean the lessons learned during this season, we are confident this will lead to greater church health through deep cultural change. Please pray for us. Jesus is our Senior Pastor. He loves you dearly and we as your elders desire to serve you better. We need his gospel and the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit to become Jesus’ faithful under shepherds.
How You Can Participate
As we work towards a new future together in service to Jesus, we are still called to be the people of God in every arena of life. This means that it will be more important than ever that each one of us that calls Mars Hill Church home continues to operate in faithfulness through serving God’s people, giving generously to God’s work, and loving one another well.
We need your patience and prayers as we seek to live out our commitment to these areas of significant change in our church. Sunday we will again gather with our churches and worship, open the Bible and hear about Jesus and what he has done on our behalf.
Pastor Dave Bruskas

Bruskas indicated that the structure would not include the executive elders and Board of Advisors and Accountability but he was less than clear about his own status. From reading material from people who supported the old paradigm, I am aware that some Mars Hill members don’t want change. However, for those who do want change and to help bring along the entire group, it seems that even more openness is going to be required. For instance, the status of Mark Driscoll’s termination is still unclear. Did the Board of Elders find him to be disqualified? If so, then why did the BoAA lighten the verdict in such a way to allow Driscoll to resign with benefits? So many church members have taken sides over the past few months, it would be healing for them and others to know the facts.

Will Mars Hill Church Heed Sutton Turner's Advice?

Yesterday, I posted a must read 2012 memo from Sutton Turner to his fellow executive elders. The memo described a serious financial crisis at the time with tentacles that have grown into a worse situation today. In the document, Turner provided suggestions, some of which he set in motion at the time. Note:
In the second item above, Turner said he would revised the budget of each church for the rest of the fiscal year. He said, “This will cut back their staff spending and staff payroll.” What other meaning can this have but that salaries would be cut or raises not given? At the time Turner did not anticipate layoffs within the 2012 fiscal year. However, did he cut pay?
This seems interesting in the light of the recent drastic layoffs at Mars Hill Church. Clearly, the church is now in dire shape. Lay offs have come, but will salary reductions follow? It is striking in this memo, given the level of pain Turner was about to unleash, that he did not mention executive salaries. And during the recent distress, there has been no indication that executive and other high level employees are experiencing similar repercussions. If this is happening, it seems highly likely that the leaders would make the congregation aware of it.
One of the wisest things written in the 2012 memo was this:

It is my belief that the reason we have such poor giving by our Church is the lack of stewardship in the Church staff. Churches with excellent stewardship see greater giving because people know that every dollar they give will go towards the mission of the Church. It is very clear this has not been the case at Mars Hill Church.

There is much they could do today to follow this principle and enlighten members. Will Mars Hill Church heed this advice?