Christian Science Monitor errs on Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill

Another mainstream media source is falsely reporting that the Anti-Homosexuality Bill has been withdrawn. An article by Scott Baldauf in the Christian Science Monitor incorrectly says:

In Uganda, where homosexuality is already illegal under British colonial-era laws, the parliament briefly debated and then withdrew a proposed bill that would have imposed lengthy sentences, and in some cases the death penalty, for homosexuals.

CNN reported it in late October and I have confirmed it here and here that the bill has not been withdrawn and is still up for consideration. I have asked CSM to make a correction.

David Bahati denied entrance to Washington DC conference

Doug Hadden, spokesman for the International Consortium of Governmental Financial Management, just informed me that David Bahati, author of Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill attempted to enter the financial management conference this morning, saying:

He arrived mid morning and was informed of the decision. It turns out that we didn’t have his proper e-mail address for his phone. There was a frank but calm discussion and Mr. Bahati was not able to enter the building.

Mr. Hadden is referring to the decision to bar Bahati from the ICGFM conference going on now in Washington, DC.

Uganda Monitor covers the Bahati trip to DC; is visa valid? UPDATED

UPDATE: Bahati is a no-show at the ICGFM conference. ICGFM spokeman Doug Hadden told me that some delegates from Uganda are attending but Mr. Bahati has apparently not made an attempt to enter.

12/7/10 – Mr. Bahati emailed me this morning to say he is in DC. I know he is doing some media as well.

Interesting claim that Bahati’s visa is specifically for the event he now cannot attend. What happens when he is unable to enter? Bahati commented on the situation:

“I know US as a defender of democracy in the world and can differentiate between the efforts of a legislator in a democratic parliament from acts of dictatorship,” he [Bahati] said. Unlike other MPs, the American mission in Kampala gave him a single-entry visa specifically for the event.

Mr Bahati and five other MPs are scheduled to attend a financial management conference of practitioners in the US starting tomorrow. The gays also want to demonstrate at the venue of the meeting to show their distaste of the Bill and Mr Bahati. But Mr Bahati said he would continue with his trip.

Anti-Homosexuality Bill author barred from Washington DC conference

I reported yesterday that Anti-Homosexuality Bill author David Bahati plans to attend a professional conference in Washington DC next week, Dec. 6-8. After that post, author Michael Jones posted an article and petition targeting the conference organizers – the  International Consortium of Governmental Financial Management.

Then earlier today, this note appeared on the petition:

UPDATE: According to Doug Hadden, the Vice President of Communications for the International Consortium of Governmental Financial Management, “David Bahati will not be attending this conference.” Bahati, for his part, is still telling folks, including Warren Throckmorton and author Jeff Sharlet, that he is attending. But that does not appear to be the case, according to conference organizers.

As noted, I talked to Mr. Bahati this morning who assured me that he was planning to attend and that all the arrangements were set. Then, I contacted Doug Hadden who told me, by email, that Mr. Bahati had indeed registered by email, which was an automated process. However, Mr. Hadden added that

Hon. Bahati has not paid and ICGFM will not accept payment from him. The ICGFM Executive Committee has agreed that his attendence is not consistent with the mission of the organization.

Mr. Hadden said that the venue is secure, consequently, “He [Bahati] will not be admitted into the building.”