Victoria Osteen: Don't do stuff for God (with more video spoofery)

(Scroll down for additional Osteen spoofs)
This is all over social media but in case you haven’t seen it, watch:
Others have added additional goofiness. For instance, Mark Driscoll might just lose it:
This one is almost too serious:
Osteen might cause a little ruckus at the office:
And (probably not) finally:
All of a sudden I just feel like singing some worship music:

An Apologetics Conference That Should Apologize

To my way of thinking, this (click link) is an incoherent lineup for an apologetics conference. I don’t know all of the speakers but  Eric Metaxas and John Stonestreet seem out of place with David Barton, Todd Starnes, Tim Wildmon, and Ray Moore. Put on by Alex McFarland, the Truth for a New Generation conference to be held September 5-6 should issue a disclaimer that attendance will be hazardous to your intellectual health.
The Colson Center has a place in the program. One can find content from Stonestreet and the Center which correctly oppose Barton’s revisionist history. However, at this conference, Barton is labeled an “historical expert.” Words truly have no meaning in this alternative reality.

People who attend these meetings may get some good and accurate information in some of the sessions. However, on balance, those who attend will be less able to defend Christianity. This is one of the great tragedies of revisionist history. People come away thinking they have information to defend their faith but they are actually set up to fail. Those outside of this parallel universe know better and use the false information as a reason to dismiss the redemptive message of Christianity.

Matt Chandler on White Privilege

Writing Tuesday on his church blog about the tragic shooting in Ferguson, MO, Matt Chandler validates the concept of white privilege.  The blog post is an expansion of tweets on the subject. According to the Christian Post, he also talked about the matter in his Sunday sermon.
I am glad to see this and intend to discuss white privilege and stereotyping next week here on the blog.

Michael Peroutka to Speak at Northern Baltimore Co. GOP Club

Many within the GOP are turning away from Peroutka’s candidacy for Anne Arundel County Council. Here is one GOP group who is bringing him in to speak.
Michael Featured Speaker to Republican Club

Michael Anthony Peroutka will speak to Northern Baltimore County Republican and Civic Organization on the Christian foundation of America, and how our Biblical View is what made the people and their country exceptional. The introduction of the Pagan View into American culture is the primary cause for the decline of morality in society.

  DATE:Thursday, August 28th

 TIME:7:30 pm

 LOCATION: Parkton American Legion Hall, 19520 York Road, Parkton, MD 21120

Hard to believe, after all the press Peroutka has received, that this group would feature him as a speaker.

Michael Peroutka says Institute on the Constitution led him to the League of the South

I have at times suggested that Michael Peroutka’s “The American View” website (where he promotes the Institute on the Constitution) should really be called “The Confederate View.”
In this video, taken at the 2004 League of the South meeting, Peroutka says the Institute on the Constitution led him to embrace the League of the South.
For those who say the IOTC is just teaching on the Constitution, I show them this and remind them that Peroutka has claimed that teaching the Constitution is preparation for secession.
Salon has an article featuring Peroutka prominently. I agree that the GOP needs to openly reject Peroutka’s candidacy and ideology.