Chicago Tribune article almost features sexual identity therapy

Today’s Chicago Tribune has an article by Sean Hamill that comes close to differentiating sexual identity therapy from conversion therapy. I say close because Mr. Hamill interviews antagonists of conversion therapy but then comes pretty close to describing the work I do as the other side of the issue. Here is one quote from me that I apparently did not survive the editing process:

“I don’t say, ‘Here’s how you become straight,’ ” Throckmorton said. “I say, ‘Can you move forward with a value and do the things that are good to do and right to do, that you believe in?'”

I remember saying this: “I don’t say, ‘Here’s how you become straight,’ ” Throckmorton said. “I say, ‘Can you move forward with a life you value and do the things that you believe are good to do and right to do, that you believe in?'”

The article also places our work (Yarhouse and me) in the context of the ex-gay movement. I supposed that is fair given that I often work with people who desire to live according their Evangelical beliefs. However, readers might also assume that what we do is synonymous with conversion or reparative therapy, which would be unfortunate. I do know Mr. Hamill faced heavy editing on this one and the title is not chosen by the author.

Exodus statement about “sudden, radical and complete” change

There have been a few mentions in comments on this blog and elsewhere about an Exodus radio spot suggesting “sudden, radical and complete change” of some kind.

I received the following statement in an email from David Fountain, Director of Conference Services, earlier today:

Here is an email blast that went out to everyone on our conference list on Friday:

Wow, the 2007 Exodus Freedom Conference is less than 18 days away! The Exodus staff is very excited about seeing you and what God has in store for all of us at this year’s Freedom Conference.

We are expecting Him to do nothing less than move in revolutionary ways in and through our lives. In the midst of all the noise and confusing messages from the world today, we are choosing to pursue God. We are making a decision to follow and surrender everything to Him, even our struggle with homosexuality. Our President Alan Chambers recently said, “A life of freedom doesn’t equal a life absent of struggle. As long as we live on this earth, we will continue to struggle with our own humanity. A life of freedom is actually found in the midst of the struggle, when we choose to fight. Especially, when it is difficult to do so.”

The rewards and benefits of living a revolutionary life for the ultimate revolutionary, Jesus, is worth it! In John 10:6b He says, “Anyone who goes through me will be cared for-will freely go in and out, and find pasture. A thief is only there to steal and kill and destroy. I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of.” We will settle for nothing less than the life of freedom Jesus offers all of


Exodus is also calling for a revolution within the church: a sudden, radical, complete change where the body of Christ begins ministering grace and truth to a world impacted by homosexuality. We will continue to advocate for those struggling with unwanted homosexuality, for those who are gay identified, and for those who love them.

Join us for this life-changing eye-opening week of learning and healing!

We will also be placing this statement by the promo on the website:

A Word from Our President About REVOLUTION

“Exodus International exists to mobilize the body of Christ to minister grace and truth to a world impacted by homosexuality. As such, we are calling upon the evangelical church to undergo a sudden, radical and complete change in the way it has dealt with the issue of homosexuality in the past. “As former homosexuals, we know that the process of transformation is often a long, difficult journey towards healing and holiness. If the body of Christ will embrace and demonstrate the compassionate truth and grace of Jesus Christ-then we will witness a true revolution in our generation.”

-Alan Chambers, President, Exodus International

UPDATE – June 12, 2007: I received the following note today from Alan Chambers:

A month or so ago I took note of a comment by Timothy Kinkaid that was posted on either XGW or Warren Throckmorton’s blog regarding terminology.

Having grown up in church I understand and fluently speak Christianese. The culture at large doesn’t always understand the way we speak. This is something that we are aware of at Exodus and are making a more concerted effort to change. I struggle to find words that explain “healing” and “change” and “transformation”. Those are applicable to my life and story. However, I do recognize that they can and do unintentionally mislead people.

Our public service announcement highlighting our annual conference is being played on one Christian radio station in California. This PSA references our conference theme, Revolution, and its definition: sudden, complete and radical. We want to emphasize that we are calling for such change within the evangelical church and the way it has typically dealt with the issue of homosexuality. By no means is it our belief that change from the complexity of issues surrounding homosexuality is often sudden or complete.

In an effort to clarify our message, we have produced a statement that appears on our website and has been sent to the station running the ads.

Messaging is important as is honesty. Our intention with this ad was simply to call the church to sudden, radical and complete change regarding how we have traditionally dealt with the issue of homosexuality.

I am truly sorry for any confusion this caused.

Alan Chambers

President, Exodus International

I thank Alan for this note and clarification.

APA task force may not report until 2008

The Washington Blade is reporting that the APA task force on sexual orientation responses may not report until 2008 although they will issue a private report in December. Issuing a private, preliminary report is common and often gives a heads up to those might be impacted by the results. Interesting that the Love in Action-Zach Stark episode was pointed to as a catalyst for review.